Lysergic Bliss

There’s a ten­der­ness that reach­es deep with­in me, and bur­geons forth to paint the world an intox­i­cat­ing spec­trum.

It’s a world where every song is a jour­ney, every chord is more dul­cet than the last, and I don’t want to, I need to dance.

It’s not a sim­ple feel­ing. There’s so much to con­sid­er — new real­iza­tions, unfa­mil­iar ter­ri­to­ry, ques­tions of fate, unre­solved pro­pri­eties, inevitable change — that it’s all a mix of emo­tions unlike any­thing I’ve ever expe­ri­enced. But who says that life has to be sim­ple? All I know for sure is that I love her, even if she doesn’t love me the same way.

And for now, I’ll wear this smile like my heart on my sleeve.


  1. Time it was, and what a time it was.

  2. If life were sim­ple, how quick­ly we would all become bored.….

  3. @Xibee — I nev­er looked at those lyrics that way before. It’s an inter­est­ing con­text, as if time is and always will be sim­ply, time, but it can be some­thing greater if we’re only able to see it that way.

    @Lucy — You’re absolute­ly right. That’s what I enjoy so much about this feel­ing. It’s some­thing that stim­u­lates reflec­tion and growth. Otherwise, you’re nev­er real­ly alive.

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