Kitteh With Catnip

One of the advan­tages of hav­ing such a lov­able cat is that peo­ple want to buy her things. I make a con­scious effort not to spoil her with human food, so she hap­pi­ly accepts toys and treats from peo­ple.

Like this bun­ny filled with cat­nip that Louise bought for her.

One thing she real­ly likes to do is grab her cat­nip toys by the teeth and shake them to release the scent. I don’t give her cat­nip very often, so in ston­er terms, this meas she’s a light­weight.

And oh how she loves it; with­in a few min­utes, the fur of the toy is cov­ered in cat drool.


  1. I love cats but we can’t have them.…allergies. However, I do have two VERY spoiled Shih Tzu’s. Their favorite things? McDonald’s french fries and whip cream from Starbucks. (I take them with me on the week­ends when I go through dri­ve thru.…the girls love them and always give me a small cup full of the stuff just for them!) There’s some­thing to be said about the uncon­di­tion­al love you get from pets.…there’s almost noth­ing to com­pare it with.

  2. Hahaha…that’s so damn cute. Our kit­ty leaves slob­bers all over the floor where we put loose cat­nip, and after she’s done eat­ing it she flops down and rolls around on the spot.

  3. Also, I’ve meant to ask…did you buy an iLap?

  4. @Lucy — I hear sto­ries of par­ents lov­ing their pets more than them all the time. Somehow, I don’t think it’s just a sim­ple case of pre­fer­ring the tem­pera­ment of ani­mals, it’s their loy­al­ty and, as you say, uncon­di­tion­al love.

    @trolely — Did you get a new cat, or is it Steph’s cat? I remem­ber Patches used to do the exact same thing.

    And yep, I got an iLap. The thing is sav­ing my sperm count.

  5. IRCY:

    Yes. I agree.

    However, the bath­room is one of sev­er­al in my office, and it’s gen­er­al­ly emp­ty and qui­et, which is why I call it a sanc­tu­ary. But yes­ter­day was just AWFUL.

  6. Steph’s cat, so our cat. One is enough for now.

    Did you order it direct­ly from them? I want one but the ship­ping rates are atro­cious. I can’t find any­where that sells them in Canada either, for a decent price.

  7. I did­n’t know cats liked to play with inan­i­mate objects so much. Dolly is soooo lov­able.

  8. aww i want a kit­ty!!

  9. @trolley — Nope, I ordered it through B&H Photo Video in New York. For a piece of cut alu­minum, they’re a lit­tle over­priced, yeah.

    @Uncle Joe — Temperament varies from cat to cat. Some get bored very eas­i­ly, some are extreme­ly play­ful. Dolly does­n’t find inan­i­mate objects very inter­est­ing, but when they’re filled with cat­nip (which caus­es eupho­ria), it makes her go crazy. Actually, it does­n’t even have to be in an object; if you just rub some dried cat­nip between your fin­gers and let her smell it, she’ll start rolling around on the ground.

    @Liz — Yes you do! They go well with inte­ri­or design. You must adopt one now and take pic­tures and post them on Flickr. I com­mand thee.

  10. Do you like it though? It seems to be the best reviewed lap pad on the mar­ket. This thing burns when I’m doing any­thing proces­sor inten­sive, but I’m not will­ing to spend $100+ for it.

  11. Yeah, I’m def­i­nite­ly glad I got it. I pre­fer to use a Macbook Pro with­out any stands cause it’s sleek and sexy, but the iLap keeps my gen­i­tals from hurt­ing.

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