It's Over

There’s no room for con­fu­sion or regret. One can only thrust one­self for­ward, nev­er look­ing back, nev­er ques­tion­ing what was once said. To learn from these mis­takes is the only sav­ing grace. Busyness is sim­ply self-dis­trac­tion, and to believe oth­er­wise is self-delu­sion.

So do you fuck him hard­er, to bury the love you once had, to drown the guilt with fer­vent voic­es? To con­vince your­self that it’s over, and that this is bet­ter any­way?

And do you try to love him more, because you can’t love me?


  1. I wish my time let me stop by more often your wroit­ing and reflec­tion deserve more than a cur­so­ry peek now and then. I hear the hon­esty and wish you com­fort as you work for­ward.

  2. Great blog! I’ve surfed it sev­er­al times and have real­ly enjoyed your writ­ing. Thank you for shar­ing your “per­son­al side”.

    You are tru­ly gift­ed in the writ­ten word. I wish you the very best. I have not added my writ­ing blog (the per­son­al one) to blog explo­sion yet, your blog gives me the courage to do so.

  3. Breaking up, nev­er fun.

    And I can tes­ti­fy that we like to do it a lot with our new part­ner to for­get the old one, it’s the only way unfor­tu­nate­ly.

  4. Thank you for the kind com­ments.

    Except for Horace. I don’t know what you were think­ing.

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