Thrice = Love: Far From The End

The con­cert was quite amaz­ing. The set last­ed just over an hour and a half. Nothing was per­formed off the first album, which makes me think that Thrice actu­al­ly knows how weak an LP it was. They did two encores, one of which was Dustin play­ing an acoustic ver­sion of Staring At The Sun, and the oth­er which was a short lit­tle piece from the mid­dle of The Abolition Of Man, where Dustin actu­al­ly hands off his gui­tar to a guy who comes on stage with a grey hood­ie, and walks into the crowd to scream the last few bars. Unfortunately, my mem­o­ry card ran out of space dur­ing the LAST WORD, ulti­mate­ly ruin­ing the clip.

It was good to see that peo­ple knew all the words to Artist In The Ambulance, and Deadbolt (which they did­n’t play until every­one was yelling it in cho­rus).

Thumbnail: Crowd
Thumbnail: Dustin with acoustic guitar
Thumbnail: Stage

On his celebri­ty, Dustin once said, “It’s pret­ty awe­some. A lot of peo­ple throw under­wear at bands, but our kids bring us books”. If I ever had the chance, I’d give him Huis-Clos by Jean-Paul Sartre.

There’s more that can be said, but I think I’ll put this to rest for now.

Thrice is Love.

The Thrice = Love Series

  1. Introduction
  2. The Journey
  3. As The Crucible
  4. Rock It
  5. The Rush
  6. Far From The End

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