The Steve Lam

I used to real­ly, real­ly admire the steve lam. He seemed to have his own style, and not care what any­one else thought. I want­ed to hang out with him, get to under­stand him bet­ter, maybe be a lit­tle more like him. I even bought him lunch once (he chose a club sand­wich from the cafe­te­ria), although one time we almost shared a bag of roast­ed peanuts while stand­ing next to a vend­ing machine.

I’m a lit­tle dis­ap­point­ed. Sure, he prob­a­bly still does­n’t care what oth­er peo­ple think, and he has real­ly cool hair that I want SO BADLY, but now it seems like he’s caught up in the whole “indie new york rock­er” image.


That’s what’s wrong with this pic­ture.


  1. Actually, what is wrong with that image, is lack of one.

    C’mon, quit teas­ing.

  2. I would real­ly like to post a pic­ture (cause the hair is too cool not to see), but I think I respect the steve lam enough to keep enough of his anonymi­ty.

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