The Woman At Michelle's Baguette

Often when I’m at Michele’s Baguette there’s a woman work­ing there, I’d say in her mid-40s, whom I believe is one of the own­ers. She has these real­ly funky streaks of colour in her hair, and they work real­ly well for her, some­thing which is much less com­mon for peo­ple her age. Whenever she hap­pens to be there I want to tell that her hair looks real­ly cool, but I can nev­er seem to find the right time.

Should I tell her as I walk up to the sand­wich stand? Should I tell her while she’s putting my sand­wich togeth­er? I always think to myself that I’ll speak up as I walk away if she ever rings me through (because she usu­al­ly lets some­one else charge me), but the oth­er day when she was the only one work­ing there I could­n’t bring myself to say any­thing. I did­n’t want her to think that I was just flat­ter­ing her for extra top­pings or fresh­er veg­eta­bles. I bet she gets com­pli­ments about her hair all the time.

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