I’ve been getting tons of spam comments from the “bob@y####o.com” address, and I’m sure that I’m not the only Movable Type user suffering from the same problem. At one point I was getting a dozen a day, which is much more annoying than spam e‑mail because deleting comments from MT is a little more involved than deleting an e‑mail. Even though I use MT-Blacklist (which has been a great help), the spam URLs, and even the IP addresses keep changing. The only thing that stays the same is parts of the e‑mail address, so I wrote a very simple regular expression to catch the offensive comments, because no one else seems to have posted one on the net:
I know that it’s rather basic, but I figure that I’ll adapt it whenever the spammer starts using more complicated e‑mail generators. So far, the only adjustment has been a change from catching four digits to catching any number of digits. It’s satisfying to check the activity log and see that the blacklist has caught over 500 spam comments over the weekend, not letting a single one go through.
The same lowlife swine has been hitting me, and my web search for the right MT Blacklist block expression turned up yours. Many thanks.
Many thanks!