Table Tennis Dorks

Aaron has his thing for the snow­board­ing girls, the ones with the pig­tails on the moun­tain who sup­port the Canadian gear com­pa­nies like West 49, Nick has his for long­board­ing girls, Jeff for the hock­ey girls, and Trolley for the…girls. I think the whole idea is hilar­i­ous, and chuck­le to myself when I read about peo­ple like Alexandra Kosteniuk, the attrac­tive Russian girl who became Grandmaster at the age of 13, in the papers. I always imag­ine chess dorks swoon­ing over some spec­tac­u­lar move she makes that’s beyond my com­pre­hen­sion.

Then I saw Biba Golic face some­one in the 2003 Killerspin com­pe­ti­tion, and real­ized that I’m just a table ten­nis dork. It’s not so much the fact that she’s a pro­fes­sion­al table ten­nis play­er, but the fact that she plays aggres­sive­ly, almost uncon­ser­v­a­tive­ly. It’s like Jonathan and his thing for drum­mer girls who play with an aggro-ape stance, instead of the dain­ty, elbows-raised pos­ture that so many female drum­mers seem to have. There’s some­thing about a girl who plays like a guy, whether it’s table ten­nis, drums, or even games. This is going on the updat­ed list soon.

Table ten­nis dorks. I won­der if I’m the first.

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