this must be the place

Somewhere, I have notes on fam­i­ly and names, the infamy of Cuban fare, being alone togeth­er, break­ing the seal, pass­ing Damian on the way to Havana, salty hair from salty air, rum and brown, thread­ed fin­gers, not enough euchre, every life-guard try­ing to sell me lob­ster meals, pat­terns on palms, plus 20 min­utes Cuba time, find­ing out how deep my scars run, blush­ing through my sun­burn, sand every­where and in every­thing.


Katie and Seth
Florida birds-eye view

The sun sets on the sun­shine state.

Bacunayagua Bridge

Bacunayagua Bridge, the high­est bridge in Cuba, built through one of many vir­gin forests.

man pets dog

All kinds of dogs roam the streets of Varadero, most of them mangy and ema­ci­at­ed, also known as “the goofy-faced hunger”.

el templete

El Templete, a mon­u­ment for the foun­da­tion of the town of San Cristóbal.

Castillo de la Real Fuerza

Castillo de la Real Fuerza. Thanks to it’s inef­fec­tive­ness as a star fort (built too far) in the Havana har­bour, it now boasts being the old­est sur­viv­ing stone fort in the Americas.

Thanks to George and his machete.

try the churros

People always ask me about the short-haired blond girl.

Plaza Vieja fountain
cab ride

Sitting in a time machine, aka 1952 Ford Crestline Victoria. Classic American auto­mo­biles are the stan­dard rather than the excep­tion, due to the scarci­ty of replace­ment parts from the US embar­go.

Hotel Nacional de Cuba — lounge

Lounge at the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, host to the infa­mous mob sum­mit dra­ma­tized in The Godfather Part II.

Christ of Havana

Cristo de La Habana, built from 67 blocks of Carrara mar­ble that were shipped from Italy after being per­son­al­ly blessed by Pope Pius XII.


Catedral de la Virgen María de la Concepción Inmaculada de La Habana.

hold me
couple in the water
cat crossing


soda cars

Many baubles are upscaled from recy­cled mate­ri­als. Soda cans are turned into purs­es and toys, and the teeth of forks bent to form stone set­tings for jew­ellery.

Explanada del Capitolio

Paseo del Prado, a street that divides Centro Habana and Old Havana. They say Havana is a city of con­tra­dic­tions — old and new, rich and poor — and it’s no more appar­ent than here. This was right across from city hall, where gov­ern­ment spon­sored girls are paid to give you a lip­stick kiss you for a peso.

starry sky in Cuba
watching construction

They’re watch­ing “Construction in the Capital”, sea­son 421.

yank tank

A yank tank. Not every­one can afford to keep a car well-main­tained, espe­cial­ly with a dimin­ish­ing pool of parts.

Gran Teatro de la Habana

The Great Theatre of Havana.

by the pool at a resort
Hotel Raquel
Elisa angel

Many places are left to desue­tude, poor­ly kept, and not even worth tear­ing down.

cooling off
Havana cars
John Lennon Park

A stat­ue of John Lennon was made with his icon­ic wire­frame glass­es, but they kept get­ting stolen, so they hired this secu­ri­ty guard to come place the frames on his face when request­ed by vis­i­tors. I imag­ine there was some stiff com­pe­ti­tion for the role.

Jose de la Luz y Caballero statue
overlooking Old Havana

Overlooking old Havana.

last stop

The cool kids sit in the back.


  1. Beautiful pho­tos, Jeff. When were you in Cuba?

    • Thanks! It was a cou­ple months ago, which was very much appre­ci­at­ed cause the weath­er was still cold in Ottawa.

  2. YOU WENT TO CUBA????????? Wow.

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