Anne + Haran — Wedding Day

Anne and Haran had a Vietnamese-Pakistani wed­ding, which was a delight­ful blend of two cul­tures with their own tra­di­tions and cos­tumes. Included in this day were three tea cer­e­monies, four dress changes for the bride, and one giant roast­ed pig.

When Haran first told me the fun­ny sto­ry of how he asked Anne’s par­ents for per­mis­sion to mar­ry her, he was sure to include the detail that Anne’s father was ex-mil­i­tary. This fact made him very hard to read, and Haran did­n’t know how he was tak­ing the news until Anne’s mom start­ed firm­ly rub­bing his shoul­ders, and this iron-grip mas­sage ulti­mate­ly lead to him giv­ing the approval. After hear­ing this, I thought it may be a chal­lenge to cap­ture emo­tion from Anne’s father, but now I know a daugh­ter’s wed­ding can bring out the emo­tions in any man, and he wore many ten­der looks that day.


  1. WOW Jeff!

    So many things to LOVE about this video! The mul­ti­cul­tur­al aspects, the smiles cap­tured, fun moments — and danc­ing! Oh that lit­tle baby get­ting jig­gy-with it was just too adorable!

    Nice work!

  2. I’m vot­ing for more shots of those cool cos­tumes!

  3. What a FUN wed­ding!! You cap­tured it beau­ti­ful­ly, Jeff. I love mul­ti­cul­tur­al mar­riages. Congrats to your friends!

  4. What a beau­ti­ful sto­ry shown in this film, I feel like I know so much about these peo­ple. You absolute­ly nailed it with the father.

  5. Awesome work Jeff! I have a shot of you all geared up at the recep­tion from my ‘light tests’ that I should send you. Happy New Year!

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