Scotland, Day 7: Edinburgh

It’s slow going in the house of mirth. We’ve been explor­ing parts of Scotland every day, so we decid­ed to take a day off to watch acclaimed British sit­coms and movies. I’m so hap­py here. It final­ly feels like I’m on vaca­tion, as Dennis likes to remind me when I say I should­n’t eat any more ice cream. Where else does some­one keep my dish­es delight­ful­ly warm in the oven before serv­ing me? Luckily, Dennis is also some­thing of an accom­plished key­board play­er. Jamming with new peo­ple, learn­ing their unique strengths and the sound they can get from their instru­ments, is always more fun than I can describe.

Funny to think that we’d only met once before at Aaron’s wed­ding five years ago, and kept in touch from across of the pond. Introverts like us nev­er for­get those kinds of con­nec­tions, cause it’s so rare to find a per­son to whom you can eas­i­ly talk for hours. He lives the same life I have now, the same life I see myself hav­ing many years into the future. Even our cats are alike.


Dennis had this con­ser­va­to­ry built as a room where he could lounge dur­ing the day. The poly­car­bon­ate ceil­ing lets plen­ty of light through and keeps the space bright and warm and sun­ny and I’ve decid­ed that I need a room like this.

When the sun sets it can get quite chilly, so then we move to the main room and put the fire on.

minced beef with Yorkshire pudding

Minced beef with car­rots and peas, and Yorkshire pud­ding. The whole “pud­ding” thing is a mis­nomer that threw me off at first. It’s actu­al­ly a light pas­try, usu­al­ly served with a savoury dish.

wedding photo

Taken at Aaron’s wed­ding in 2007 (I was a grooms­man). Between him and Dennis are Chris and Vic (whom I’ve always called Papa).

Barney the cat

One of the best things about this trip is final­ly being able to meet Barney. Dennis lets him out as he pleas­es, and when he wants back in, you can see his black out­line through the pat­terned glass as he waits patient­ly by the door. He does­n’t like being picked up but he does­n’t make a fuss about it either.

Barney rarely stays in one place at a time, fre­quent­ly alter­nat­ing between stretch­ing out on one of his pil­lows and the car­pet.


  1. How won­der­ful! I espe­cial­ly love the wed­ding pho­to and you in a kilt of course. :)

  2. That’s such an odd and won­der­ful room, the solar­i­um. You should! You should make one.

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