The premature exit

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

I bare­ly stayed for two hours. It was­n’t the game (though it did prove to be as frus­trat­ing­ly ran­dom as I remem­ber it) or the peo­ple (who were quite nice and refresh­ing­ly intel­li­gent). When I told Jess, she said, “But it’s so ear­ly.” I just shrugged my shoul­ders. As an intro­vert, she under­stood.

Onegin: premature exit


Sometimes I won­der if I come off as an extreme­ly anti-social per­son. I tend to be the first one to leave par­ties, and some­times so ear­ly that the host will ask me if every­thing is alright. When it comes to being around peo­ple, I’m def­i­nite­ly a high-main­te­nance per­son. I’m much hap­pi­er in one-on-one sit­u­a­tions, and even more often I pre­fer being alone.

As much as I’ve grown and changed, I’ve always need­ed the world in small dos­es.


  1. I’m hap­pi­er around peo­ple, but I realised that in all my actions in try­ing to under­stand and work the social scenes, I have become very anti-social. It’s come to the point where most peo­ple can­not under­stand no inter­pret my actions any­more.

    It’s a painful curse. Some days I wish I can do bet­ter with­out being with peo­ple.

    • I think I’ve met some­one like you before. Even in his clique, he does­n’t quite fit in. His actions are very ran­dom and they don’t fol­low the social norms at all. It makes him come off as anti-social, but I think he just over-ana­lyzes every sit­u­a­tion and reac­tion to the point where he does­n’t know how to act any­more.

      However, I don’t think he’s con­scious of this, where­as you are.

  2. I must admit, I’m the same way. Everyone may think I’m anti-social, but I just think that every­one else is high main­te­nance.

    • I find that peo­ple are gen­er­al­ly easy-going, but maybe that’s just because rel­a­tive­ly speak­ing I’m so high-main­te­nance that peo­ple always seem to be cater­ing to me instead of the oth­er way around.

  3. I don’t rec­om­mend sup­port­ing being anti­so­cial for posi­tion­ing ones­self for lat­er life. I have come to that deci­sion begrudg­ing­ly how­ev­er. I find I can “per­form” well enough in social cir­cum­stances even with high lev­el types of peo­ple, but I can only keep it up for a cou­ple of hours and then I want to mur­der them all. It’s hard hard work for me.

    The rea­son I don’t rec­om­mend get­ting too com­fort­able with being alone is that when you are old­er, alone is TRULY alone, and it becomes a phys­i­cal lia­bil­i­ty. People do real­ly need each oth­er in lat­er life to be safe, cared for, and for men­tal sta­bil­i­ty.

    • I think I know what you mean; the only time I can’t stand being alone is when I’m sick, and I imag­ine that I’ll be sick quite often when I’m old­er.

  4. Socializing always seems more appealing/rewarding to me in the­o­ry than in prac­tice

    I’m much like you in the way where I feel more com­fort­able and pre­fer the com­pa­ny of just one oth­er indi­vid­ual, rather than social­iz­ing in a group of peo­ple… I think I can only hap­pi­ly han­dle social­iz­ing (going out, par­ty­ing, etc.) in very small dos­es… usu­al­ly after a few hours out I’m already dying to go home, show­er, spin, watch some tv and relax

    • Then you’re an intro­vert like me; we get over-stim­u­lat­ed eas­i­ly from being around oth­er peo­ple. I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels like that, because it seems like every­one else loves hang­ing out for hours and I end up feel­ing awk­ward when I leave ear­ly.

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