Linger On

Love is the foun­da­tion of my uni­verse. To believe in it is to believe in oth­er fun­da­men­tal truths, like grav­i­ty, and the fact that my penis has stopped grow­ing.

That’s why it’s so hard for me to let go.

Because the moment I let go is the moment I stop believ­ing in love. I’d much rather fool myself into think­ing this loy­al, faith­ful tenac­i­ty will make a dif­fer­ence, than believe the world isn’t kind and fair. Cause I know it’s cru­el and unfair. I just don’t want to believe that.

And that’s why I still believe in us.

One comment

  1. Hi Jeff,I clicked through to your site when I was intrigued by the “Weekend in Bed” video embed­ded in a WordPress tem­plate and I’m so glad. I’ve been peer­ing through your archives and feel touched by your evoca­tive writ­ing and hon­esty regard­ing your inse­cu­ri­ties and feel­ings. I’m going through a time where I need to be brave and true to myself in the face of my ten­den­cy to bend over back­wards for love and some­how read­ing your posts gives me a lit­tle push. Thank you. Sasa.

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