Tiana's 29th

Also fea­tur­ing Bobby Hurricane.

Thumbnail: Group

Thumbnail: Baked brie

Thumbnail: Cookbook

Thumbnail: Bobby loves olive

Thumbnail: Quiche

Thumbnail: Tiana kicks

Thumbnail: Sad doggy

Thumbnail: Bedtime


  1. That was the best fart ever!

    Also I love the video with the music. Very nice.

    • I nev­er thought I’d be able to use a CocoRosie song with that strange toy sam­ple in it, but it fit per­fect­ly with what was going on visu­al­ly. Of course, kids nowa­days would­n’t be famil­iar with 8‑bit sounds like that.

  2. And yes it’s true, you and Brent are prob­a­bly total oppo­sites.

    • Only oppo­sites in inter­est though. I think moral­ly we’re prob­a­bly pret­ty sim­i­lar. It’s just that he’s all sports and I’m all emo­tion.

      You must be a pret­ty dynam­ic per­son if you can hang out with both of us.

      • new nick­name: Dynamo!

  3. What IS that fan­tas­tic look­ing 2‑kinds-of-pie stuff?

    • Two quich­es.

      one is filled with aspara­gus and mashed pota­toes and the oth­er had spinach and onions. Don’t remem­ber all the sup­port­ing cast of ingre­di­ents though.

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