Ryan's First Birthday

A video I shot as a Christmas present for Aaron and Karen. This was the first day I tried my “poor man’s steady­cam”, and aside from a few shaky shots from fid­dling around while try­ing to cap­ture every­thing, the pan­ning works very well.

I was think­ing about sav­ing the video for when Ryan gets mar­ried, but fig­ured I may be dead before that hap­pens, so I decid­ed to give it to them now. There are so many notes in the pro­duc­tion of the video that I feel like I need a 10-minute direc­tors com­men­tary to cov­er all the details. Alas, I’ll leave the insight up to the view­er.

How can so many peo­ple love one lit­tle boy? It seems almost impos­si­ble.


  1. Hahaha @3:10. That’s adorable! Beautiful video Jeff, they must have loved it. I hope you’ll do some­thing like this for us when we have a baby :)

    • Sure thing. I only ask for nam­ing rights. :D

  2. This is by far, my most favorite of all that you have done! There are so many great moments cap­tured in this video but my 2 favorites are 1) when he is sit­ting the grass test­ing it out and 2) when his father kiss­es him at the very end. The sec­ond moment is a price­less one.

    • Thanks! I agree about the father giv­ing him a kiss; that’s why I kept the shot for the end.

  3. Hi there, hap­pened to stum­ble upon that video and your blog. May I know what the music used was?

    • It’s [Vaka] by Sigur Rós, off the () album.

  4. The video is just love­ly … very spe­cial. Aaron and Karen must have been hon­oured to receive such a thought­ful and gen­uine gift!

    So many spe­cial moments you cap­tured that day!

    • Thank you, I hope they feel as good about hav­ing that video as I do about mak­ing it.

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