More Couple Photography

Kissing in the grass

Thumbnail: By railing
Thumbnail: Butt grab
Thumbnail: Face to face
Thumbnail: Couple in leaves
Thumbnail: Looking back


Thumbnail: Embrace
Thumbnail: Girl eyes
Thumbnail: Guy body
Thumbnail: Guy fetal
Thumbnail: Posing

Girl with legs crossed

It’s SO great to work with a cou­ple who appre­ci­ates art…enough to be will­ing to get naked for it.


  1. Your work is get­ting so yum­my look­ing.… That tor­so shot is just tongue-flap­ping good.

    Were these for a rea­son? like engage­ment or some­thing? Because they’re per­fect for it.

    • Nope, these were pic­tures the cou­ple want­ed because they under­stand that we’re not young for­ev­er. If only more peo­ple could real­ize how fleet­ing time is and how impor­tant it is to pre­serve our mem­o­ries before it’s too late.

  2. Agreed. I’m going to look for my charg­er this evening. In box­es some­where…

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