Heather G's Birthday Dinner

Feeding Sergey

Thumbnail: Heather, Summer, Sergey
Thumbnail: The Glebe
Thumbnail: Italian market
Thumbnail: Picking produce
Thumbnail: Salmon, red pepper pizza
Thumbnail: Beef, red pepper pizza
Thumbnail: After dinner
Thumbnail: Sprinkling chocolate
Thumbnail: Tiramisu and chai tea
Thumbnail: Raspberries


  1. That lit­tle gro­cery is so like one I used to work in many years ago; did­n’t know they still had cute places where they hand-label the prices every day! I love how all the places you go seem so per­son­al-touch.

    • Stores like that are dia­monds in the rough when it comes to big­ger cities.

  2. Your pic­tures are so awe­some… Everytime I come back they just get bet­ter and bet­ter :) What’s the name of the plug in you use for this kind of post that shows the pho­tos popped up like that with a next but­ton? Maybe you just cod­ed it your­self, dun­no. It’s awe­some though & I want to steal it :D

  3. Ah I did some dig­ging, I guess you use Thickbox? But just edit­ed to look nicer?

    • Actually, I’m using plain old Lightbox 2, which start­ed a bunch of copy­cat clones (such as Thickbox) to change or extend the func­tion­al­i­ty. I believe Thickbox can han­dle web­sites and flash inside the frame as well.

      Lightbox does look bet­ter of the the box, does­n’t it?

  4. I installed Lightbox 2 on my site now and it is pret­ty­ful! though it’s white and not the pret­ty black!!

    • Both white and black have advan­tages, but for most pho­tog­ra­phy, I find black to be a bet­ter back­ground cause the colours real­ly pop out. That’s why you have a lot of links on flickr that say “view on black”.

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