People Being Nice To Me

Tao Te Ching cover

Louise gave me a gor­geous copy of the Tao Te Ching. It’s trans­lat­ed by James Legge, with clas­sic Chinese art from the Cleveland Museum of Art. What’s espe­cial­ly cool is that the fonts used for the titles is Avenir, which is the same font I used for my sec­ond Tao tat­too.

Tao Te Ching page 1

It’s per­fect because I feel like I’ve strayed from the path late­ly. It’s been a few weeks since I picked up the book and read a few vers­es.

Tao Te Ching page 2

I real­ly like the fact that many of the pages have no vers­es, and only art­work. It’s nice enough that I’ll prob­a­bly keep it out on my cof­fee table, instead of in my book­shelf hid­den in a clos­et1.

Bamboo bookmark

She also gave me this bam­boo book­mark, with a Confucian say­ing on it. I find it fun­ny because Confucianism oppos­es Taoism, though they both have very good ideas.

California roll

Thumbnail: Rainbow roll
Thumbnail: Salmon sushi
Thumbnail: Shrimp tempura
Thumbnail: Spring roll
Thumbnail: Yummy roll and spicy salmon roll

Louise also took me out for lunch for my birth­day. We went to my favourite sushi place, Sushi Banc for their all-you-can-eat lunch spe­cial. At $12.50, you can’t beat the price, and it’s always served fast and fresh. She enjoyed it so much that she went back the next day with her hus­band.

Blueberry tea case

When Misun was here, she gave me a blue­ber­ry tea from a tea com­pa­ny that’s in her small town in of Chartres, France. It smells absolute­ly amaz­ing and tastes even bet­ter, with a mix of tea and fruit that evokes the image of an exot­ic gar­den with every sip.

Blueberry tea

Along with the beau­ti­ful case, it came with a lit­tle slip of paper that explains the blend:

Mélange exclusif
de la Brûlerie Chartraine
com­posé de thé vert et noir aro­ma­tisé
aux fruits rouges, agrumes et vio­lette

Flowering cabbage/kale

Heather G gave me this plant, which I believe is flow­er­ing cab­bage or kale. I’m not used to hav­ing some­thing so alive in my house. I have one oth­er plant, but it does­n’t have near­ly as strong an aro­ma as this one, nor the lit­tle tiny insects in the pot and soil. I hope it does­n’t die, because I have a black thumb.

  1. Not that I don’t like to dis­play books, I just pre­fer to keep a neat house. []


  1. That TTC book is beau­ti­ful! I’ll have to add it to my Xmas list…

    • Hah, I knew you’d appre­ci­ate it. :) And I nev­er real­ized that your gra­vatar is two tri­grams. Love it.

  2. That’s not fair, not many peo­ple get this kind of indul­gence :)

    I did­n’t know you ate raw fish, I thought you ate only veg­gie sushi. I think sushi with Canadian urchin is the best.

    • It’s quite rare for me too actu­al­ly, which is why I want­ed to doc­u­ment it.

      I used to stay away from raw fish, but after try­ing sev­er­al times to under­stand what the big deal about sushi is, I’ve acquired a taste and real­ly enjoy it now.

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