29: The Child

I turn 30 in 12 months.

But it does­n’t feel like I’m turn­ing 29 today. More like I’m turn­ing a‑year-away-from-30. 29 has always been so incon­se­quen­tial. One step on a stair­case before set­ting foot on a land­ing.

Self portrait at 29


The thing is, I’m not sure what’s sup­posed to hap­pen when hit 30. I expect some­thing big, but I don’t know what exact­ly. Like I have yet to open my eyes to some­thing. Maybe because 30 has always been adult ter­ri­to­ry in my mind, not 18.

So if I still feel like I haven’t grown up yet, is some­thing going to hap­pen in this year? Something to make me feel like an adult by the time November 13 hits in 2010?

I turn 30 in 12 months, and I don’t know what to expect.

The Turning 30 Series


  1. Happy Bday dude!

  2. Happy Birthday!

    Hmmm… Didn’t hob­bits come-of-age when they turned 30 in Tolkien’s lit­tle mod­ern fables; so maybe you can look for­ward to climb­ing Mount Doom at some point in the near future.


  3. I can tell you from experience…it’s just anoth­er day :)

    Happy Birthday!

  4. Turning 30 still felt as young as ever, just like going into anoth­er young phase.
    Happy Birthday :)

  5. hap­py birth­day, jeff!!!

  6. Happy Birthday Jeff. I was major­ly depressed when I turned 30, because I was no longer a “20something.” But then I real­ized I am as young as I feel. :)

  7. hey, hap­py BD!

    30s will be just a num­ber. think of it in hexa­dec­i­mal. 1E isn’t so scary.

  8. Happy birth­day! I’m star­ing down the bar­rel of 30 soon myself, so I def­i­nite­ly know where you’re com­ing from.

  9. Happy birth­day! (Sorry I’m late) I real­ly did­n’t want to turn 29 most­ly because I know 30 is next. But so far this has been such a crap­py year, I’m look­ing for­ward to the next and will try to embrace it as best as I can. I still remem­ber turn­ing 16, 18, 21… 25… I can’t believe how quick­ly the years go by. That’s when you real­ize you’re old and that life is way too short :(

  10. hey jeff hap­py birth­day from mel ally and i ‚were sor­ry we couldent make it down to see ya and clear­ly were off by a day im sor­ry bro ill make it up when i see ya hope u had a blast

  11. Happy 30, dude! The 10-year mark­ers I’ve found so far to be the most inter­est­ing ones. Possibly it’s because of MMORPGs, where lev­el 20 and 40 are the sig­nif­i­cant ones. And 30, to some extent. When I turned 40, I was so excit­ed because it was the YEAR OF RECKONING, and I’d felt I’d learned some­thing final­ly.

    • Hahahahh…that’s so fun­ny, but I com­plete­ly under­stand how a game can affect the way one views one’s life. I can’t even imag­ine hit­ting 40 right now.

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