No Fair

(A brief con­tin­u­a­tion of my dia­grams for heart­break.)

Diagram for heartbreak: You're supposed to have only one heart


  1. Ha ha ha.… This is absolute­ly the best. 100%.

    btw.… you in Toronto? When are you going back to Ottawa? I am look­ing for a rideshare.

    • Awww…I’m home already. I wish I had known you were com­ing back so ear­ly.

  2. I can’t help it, I have to com­ment again. I just real­ly real­ly love this one.

  3. haha­ha jeff, you’re too fun­ny!

    • It total­ly was­n’t meant to be funny…but I sus­pect I’ll look back and laugh some time in the future. :)

      • I also thought it was hilar­i­ous. I guess you’re un-inten­tion­al­ly fun­ny. Oh well. Keep it up!

      • Phew. I thought I was the odd one with­out any sense of humour:)

      • John did­n’t see the humour either…maybe he has a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive because he knows the entire­ty of the sit­u­a­tion, where­as I haven’t writ­ten about it here in a while.

  4. Jeff, these are great — seri­ous­ly, they would be so great in some sort of book, poster… or some­thing.

  5. I find this dia­gram sad. A per­son, girl or guy, should respect them­selves enough to val­ue the oth­er per­son­’s heart above their own. In oth­er words, I would­n’t want some­one to rip my heart so why would i do it to some­one else?

    • I agree, though it’s not always some­thing that can be con­trolled by either per­son. The orig­i­nal title of this dia­gram was “Give It Back”. I still can’t fig­ure out why it can be so hard to get over some­one.

    • I’m seri­ous­ly con­sid­er­ing this, but I’m going to see how many I can come up with in this theme first.

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