Canada Day '09

Playing with Oli

Thumbnail: Little shoes
Thumbnail: Mark and Jen
Thumbnail: Pecan Pie
Thumbnail: Phil and Oli
Thumbnail: Ryan

(This is how behind I am on post­ing my pic­tures.)

Canada Day is always a way for us to catch up with each oth­er once a year (for those from out of town), to see how every­one is doing over some bar­be­cue and baked goods. There are always new faces, famil­iar faces, and this time, it was a lit­tle dif­fer­ent, with three babies that weren’t there last year. My friends are start­ing to have kids.

Sometimes it’s strange to see Aaron with a baby. He’s what we con­sid­er an adult now, a grown-up, a father. Yet he’s still the same Aaron (which is a good thing), with the same styl­ish clothes, the same inter­ests, the same ebul­lient atti­tude, except he’s hold­ing a piece of him­self.


  1. Video tak­en with my iPhone, with no colour cor­rec­tion or fil­ters. Not bad for a cam­era phone. []


  1. thats my boy wont be long now till i teach him how to leg lock his dad­dy

    • And I’ll be teach­ing him Tai Chi!

  2. Beautiful pho­tos Jeff — all of them! You have a won­der­ful tal­ent.

  3. Hi, I came to this link from a friend who’s in the pic­tures and watched the video of the baby toss­ing … I am a god mom and have worked with chil­dren. Baby toss­ing, even the play­ful kind in the video can injur a child (and the baby coughed which showed this was too much toss­ing).
    Could some­one send the dad this arti­cle ——Is-It-Harmful

    Never shake or toss a baby or a child under age five.” Further, this research hos­pi­tal advis­es that infants should not be wig­gled or bounced.

    When Shaken Baby Syndrome is not fatal, chil­dren may be left with seri­ous long-term health con­di­tions, such as cere­bral pal­sy, learn­ing dis­abil­i­ties, blind­ness, and men­tal retar­da­tion.

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