Feeling My Age

So cur­rent­ly it’s:

7:00am — Two mesalamine pills for my col­i­tis and two snorts of cor­ti­cos­teroid for my hayfever
3:00am — Two mesalamine pills for my col­i­tis
7:00pm — Two snorts of cor­ti­cos­teroid for my hayfever
Dinner — One mul­ti­vi­t­a­min to make up for the foods I can’t eat due to col­i­tis
11:00pm — Two mesalamine pills for my col­i­tis and 20mg of cet­i­rizine hydrochlo­ride for my hayfever

I expect to be wear­ing adult dia­pers and using a walk­er any day now.


  1. Allergies just plain suck. My sym­pa­thies.
    Had you changed your diet a lot??

    • A lit­tle adjust­ment to diet change, main­ly involv­ing less insol­u­ble fibre, and stay­ing away from any­thing car­bon­at­ed. And, odd­ly enough, more dairy.

  2. Hi,
    I came across your blog through a google search. I was diag­nosed with severe UC back in 2004 and put on Asacol. About 6 months lat­er, after doing tons of research, I came across a book called “Breaking The Vicious Cycle” by Elaine Gottschall that rec­om­mends a Specific Carbohydrate Diet for the treat­ment of col­i­tis, crohn’s, and oth­er diges­tive dis­or­ders. A few months after going on the diet, I was med free and symp­tom free and have been ever since. I don’t know if you know about it, so I just thought I’d offer the info. I have info about the diet and my jour­ney on my blog at http://www.comfytummy.com. All the best to you. :)

    • Thank you for shar­ing, I’ll be sure to check it out.

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