Amnesiac Weekends

My throat has devel­oped some­thing of a raspy tinge from talk­ing all week­end. I’ve nev­er had par­tic­u­lar­ly strong vocal chords. I told myself I’d speak as lit­tle as pos­si­ble today; we’ll see how long that lasts. Maybe I can drink some hon­ey tea instead.

It was­n’t so much that I over­booked myself as plans going on for much longer than expect­ed. Which pret­ty much means I did­n’t get any work done, so I won’t be going to Toronto next week­end so I can catch up. Not that I real­ly want to any­more, as the last two days have left me feel­ing over­stim­u­lat­ed and sat­is­fied. Anyway, Dan took a quick look at my chart for this month (on his own ini­tia­tive) and told me not to do any­thing big on the 15th and 16th because it’s “risky”. I nev­er let my horo­scope deter­mine what I do, but maybe this is the way the uni­verse tells me to stay home.

I did­n’t even have time to do my week­ly gro­cery shop­ping. I’m eat­ing stale bread and canned soups today.

The best part of the week­end was hav­ing an excuse to use the Numi Dancing Leaves teabuds and teapot that Louise bought me last Christmas, some­thing I’d been sav­ing for spe­cial occa­sions. Amazingly, I got three full steeps — which trans­lates into six cups — out of one Golden Jasmine bud.

Those things I had been try­ing to for­get got lost some­where in the before I even real­ized it. Isn’t that what for­get­ting is about?

Sometimes I need these week­ends. They recharge me, they give me hope, when hope is so fleet­ing.

I’m try­ing to ride that feel­ing, and let it car­ry me for­ward.


  1. 1) Your vocal chords can either ring like strings with air pushed through them eas­i­ly, or they can be clamped tight with uncon­cious ten­sion and cre­ate stress fatigue.

    When in a con­tin­u­ous talk­ing day, try talk­ing a lit­tle more nasal­ly (which usu­al­ly means mak­ing a con­cious effort to sort of sing your words instead of grab them with your throat). It does­n’t have to be high­er pitched; just aim the air the way you would when you make a sigh. A real­ly good singing exer­cise they use for traders on the stock floor: (do this at home): Start at the high­est pitch you can make with your voice eas­i­ly (high and behind your nose), and just slide your voice from top pitch down to as low as you can go. Not harsh or push­ing or loud, just gen­tly. Say AHHH Like a sigh. That tends to clear out any crud in your throat and relax the area.

    2) It’s not OCD to make your bot­tles face the same way. I once went so far as to take all the labels off the stuff in the med­i­cine cab­i­net (there were no meds there at that time) and wrapped them all in gold paper. And I am decid­ed­ly not OCD. You’re just a design freak, hap­pi­ly.

    • 1) I should give that exer­cise a shot. I’m sure there’s more too it than stretch­ing out the vocal chords; mak­ing the AHHHH sound itself seems to be rather relax­ing.

      2) I’ll take design freak over OCD any day!

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