Large Print

Large print

Large print

I final­ly got a large print made for myself, of the frozen lake from my trip to New Hampshire. You real­ly need to see the orig­i­nal from the entry (on black) to get an idea of what the pic­ture looks like, because the shot I took above does­n’t do it jus­tice as I was expos­ing for the gen­er­al area in my liv­ing room, los­ing much of the detail of the pic­ture. At over 48″ wide and 32″ tall, it cost me a pret­ty pen­ny, but it was oh so worth it.

After some extra tweak­ing on my end to bring out the con­trast, my awe­some print­er brought out the trunks of the white birch trees in the left for­est using Photoshop, adding a touch of con­trast and detail. The pic­ture was lam­i­nat­ed with a mat­te fin­ish, so there’s no glass to reflect (and hence dis­tract), from he win­dows. Then my framer used one of her new fram­ing tech­niques where she takes tex­tured fab­ric and stretch­es it over an inside bor­der (instead of a mat board), then adds a frame that’s smooth but not flat1. The colours fit right in with the walls, while the bor­der and frame match­es the couch.

It’s the first pic­ture I’ve used to dec­o­rate the main floor of my house, because I’m real­ly picky about the stuff I put up on my walls. This one was cho­sen because the sky, the sun­set, the ice and the pat­terns in it, all speak emo­tion to me, which is what I try to achieve in my pic­tures, and some­thing I enjoy look­ing at.

  1. This means I sign, stamp, and num­ber the pic­ture on the pic­ture itself, since there’s no mat board to write on. []


  1. it looks awsome man !!!! ur so tal­ent­ed

  2. Ooooooooh. I like. Can you post it larg­er? It looks won­der­ful­ly peace­ful and wist­ful too.

    I like the COUCH!!! ooh. Can I steal the whole room? What kind of couch is that?

    • I’ll try to get a larg­er ver­sion up at some point.

      The couch is from EQ3 (also avail­able in the States), but I don’t think they make it any­more. It’s called a Scotch, and I don’t see it on their web­site. Which is too bad, because I real­ly like it; it has these great boxy lines and a low bot­tom that make it nice and clean.

  3. gor­geous, jeff!

    my fam­i­ly is in the process of build­ing a house and like you, i’m quite par­tic­u­lar about what i want on the walls. in my cur­rent room i don’t have any­thing because the deci­sion is too hard and also because there isn’t much of a fea­ture space in my tiny room that i have.

    so now i’m faced with the dilem­ma of what i want on the new bed­room’s wall and how to frame it. deci­sions, deci­sions, deci­sions..

    keep up the great pho­tog­ra­phy though, i’m a big fan.

    • It’s def­i­nite­ly hard­er to make a deci­sion about what to put up when there’s lim­it­ed space avail­able. At the same time, those dif­fi­cult deci­sions are what make life so fun as well!

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