The Return of Water

Well, I have water. And hot water too. I’ve been doing loads of laun­dry and dish­es in the dish­wash­er. Not to men­tion sweet, sweet BMs on a toi­let.

Bathroom ceiling

Bedroom ceiling

But my bath­room and bed­room ceil­ings still look like this. Not to men­tion the coarse dust on every­thing and the uproot­ed fur­ni­ture. I had sev­er­al entries with pic­tures to post, but my colour-cal­i­brat­ed mon­i­tors are sit­ting in the spare room. I have no idea when the con­trac­tor is going to be back to get every­thing dirty again. Otherwise, I’d do some clean­ing.

Either the con­struc­tion com­pa­ny is on hol­i­day (which con­tra­dicts what the work­er said), or they’re dodg­ing me, because I haven’t been able to get a hold of any­one for days now. I’m stuck in lim­bo here, lit­er­al­ly liv­ing in the liv­ing room (what a fit­ting name). It’s left me rather sick and unmo­ti­vat­ed.


  1. The high­est form of good is water…”

    grats on get­ting your water back. I think we take sim­ple things for grant­ed some­times, until we lose them. As bad as your ceil­ings look, for now, they’re a reminder that you still have a roof over your head :)

    Hope every­thing will be back to nor­mal soon. Happy New Year.

    • That quote reminds me of some­thing from Dune. I cer­tain­ly won’t be tak­ing water for grant­ed any­more.

  2. I used to do some office cler­i­cal for a con­trac­tor. I mar­velled at how he would leave peo­ple’s calls unat­tend­ed for days. They just went from job to job to job and he rarely spoke to any­one till they were free of the cur­rent job, it seemed… But he was par­tic­u­lar­ly disorganized…Hope yours are just on hol­i­day.

    E‑mail me and I’ll tell you the fun sto­ry about why I val­ue plumb­ing : )

    • Unfortunately, as long as peo­ple like that are busy (which means they have enough work), they’ll nev­er be required to improve their qual­i­ty of ser­vice. I’ve received word from the con­trac­tor that he’s try­ing to sched­ule me in some­where, but no exact time yet.

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