At the Ontario Science Centre

Back in the sum­mer, ____ and I went to the Ontario Science Centre. The plan­e­tar­i­um was up-and-run­ning, so we got to view the lat­est Mars land­scape pic­tures in 360 degrees. We also arrived at the Science Arcade just in time to see a girl on the stage with her hand on the big Van de graaff, one of those mys­ti­cal flag­ship images you often see in their adver­tise­ments.

We had­n’t been there since we were lit­tle kids, but the inter­ac­tive tests and exper­i­ments are always fun, even when you’re old­er.


  1. Great place! Its been 20 years since I have been. Yikes!

    I would love to go back.

    What is the name of that tune you used?

    • Can’t be 20 years!? That means you were about eight. Wow…actually, it was close to that for me. It has­n’t changed that much though (aside from the plan­e­tar­i­um, which was­n’t open before), but you do gain a bet­ter appre­ci­a­tion for a lot of things.

      The song is by Arcade Fire, called I’m Sleeping In A Submarine.

  2. That machine at the begin­ning plus the music is awe­some!! I was hop­ing it was cre­at­ing it, until I real­ized who it was.

    • Yeah, the bub­ble machine was part of a new sec­tion. It seemed more like art to me. Quite amaz­ing.

  3. I love Science Centers and the inter­ac­tive tests too. They make me feel like I am dis­cov­er­ing sci­ence all over again, though I have been “in sci­ence” my whole life, LOL.

    • That’s one thing I miss about being in school; those inter­est­ing chem­istry and physics cours­es when the teacher were real­ly fun and inter­ac­tive. I find the amuse­ment and amaze­ment is more lim­it­ed to the sci­ences.

  4. Didn’t know they had a plan­e­tar­i­um there. I’ll have to make it out.

    • Yes you do…they updat­ed their lens, and it’s AWESOME. I would rec­om­mend lin­ing up ear­ly though (at least 30 min­utes ahead); it’s a tiny room, and the best spot is in the mid­dle, lying down.

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