Baby Gensey

Baby tongue

Introducing Ryan Kevin Gensey, Aaron’s new baby boy, deliv­ered right on the pro­ject­ed date. I bought him the tur­tle you see in the cor­ner of his bas­ket there.

Baby birth card

I had the chance to hold him before he was a day old in the hos­pi­tal. At first, I approached this idea with some trep­i­da­tion, see­ing as how I car­ry the pre­con­ceived notion of how frag­ile baby’s necks are, but I could­n’t resist. He’s a lot lighter than Dolly, but some­how just as warm.

Baby foot

Aaron has always want­ed a boy first and a girl sec­ond — so the old­er broth­er can take care of the younger sis­ter — and it looks like every­thing is falling into the plan.

I’m now offi­cial­ly an uncle.


  1. YAY! You have offi­cial­ly con­vert­ed a baby into a tur­tle lover! :D

  2. It was the first thing that real­ly drew my atten­tion in the stuffed ani­mal sec­tion of Babies “R” Us, so nat­u­ral­ly I had to get it for him. :)

  3. con­grat­u­la­tions on uncle­dom.

    the toes look as flex­i­ble as fin­gers.

  4. He’s so cute! Also I like his hat. Is there any chance you know where it’s from? Cute hats are scarce in this house.

  5. What is it about this year? Everyone is pop­ping out babies like mad.
    I’m an aun­tie too this year.


  6. Congratulations

    Having Kids is the best thing in the world. And being a uncle is a great job :)

  7. @Pearl — The toes did wig­gle as much as the fin­gers, in a very dex­ter­ous, but uncon­trolled way.

    @Tiana — I don’t know where his hat’s from, but I’ll find out and send you an e‑mail.

    @Xibee — An aun­tie for the first time?

    @Joern — Yep, it’ll be my job to spoil him. :)

  8. yep wel­come to the club jeff i per­son­aly am jeal­ous of you !!
    you get to be right there you got to hold him talk to him share in the joy :D at least i know theres an uncle there give­ing the love i wish i could be there to give

    the won­der that is ryan aside i been mean­ing to drop you a line thow i read ur blog i havent seen you or talked to you in any­form in such a long time we NEED to get togeth­er some­time soon even if its just 2 proud uncles sharein a beer
    take care bro and tell ryan his tub­by uncle says hel­lo lol


  10. Aaron was pret­ty tired actu­al­ly cause they did­n’t have the pri­vate room, which meant no spare bed; it was more like shar­ing in the exhaus­tion. But yeah, I did get a chance to hold him and it was awe­some. I’ve nev­er held a baby before, so I’m glad the first time was an impor­tant one.

    Let me know next time you’re in Ottawa and we will meet up…I have some vaca­tion com­ing up too, maybe I can dri­ve to Kingston for a vis­it instead now that I have a car.

    P.S. Sorry you did­n’t get nam­ing rights. They were lean­ing towards Jeff Gensey any­way. :D

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