Good Times For A Change

Before you start read­ing, play this song. It’s a Deftones cov­er of The Smiths’ song Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want. There have been a few oth­er artists who have done cov­ers too, includ­ing Muse, but only Chino has the kind of raw emo­tion in his voice that match­es Morrisey.

This song was writ­ten for right now.

Orchid bouquet

I’ve moved main­ly to video. Getting a lit­tle tired of the still pho­to­graph medi­um. I had my first com­mis­sion this week­end at the NAC, record­ing a jazz trio con­cert in exchange for a few tick­ets for my friends.

If you could­n’t tell, I’ve been obsessed with colour tones and vignetting late­ly. Making my pho­tos look like old mem­o­ries. Maybe this is a way for me to go back; revert­ing to past expe­ri­ences, draw­ing inward as an intro­vert, regress­ing to a dif­fer­ent time, when all I had was inno­cence but that was enough.

Me in a tie

I’ve been strange­ly serene. Sleeping well. When things get com­pli­cat­ed I’ve been less sto­ic, and more light-heart­ed.

Dolly eating chicken

Maybe it’s the house being clean. Maybe I’m sat­is­fied with the the new dec­o­ra­tions. Maybe it was the last week­end, get­ting caught up on errands and tasks, final­ly feel­ing like my head is above water.

Maybe it’s the weath­er. The rain. The wind. The warmth of the sun. The tem­per­a­ture drop. The way I can leave my win­dow open at night.

Civic logo in rain

Maybe it’s feel­ing social­ly ful­filled. Seeing friends, laugh­ing hard, trips out of town, trips on my own.

Star fingers

Maybe it’s the nights spent hold­ing her, caress­ing every inch of her skin. Maybe it’s the way she held me too.

Chopped vegetables

Maybe it’s the accep­tance. A way I’ve let go where I’ve found myself final­ly free, and liv­ing. Something I always think I’ve been able to do, only to real­ize a day lat­er that I did­n’t before, but I have now, hon­est­ly.

School bus

Maybe it’s all the movies I’ve been watch­ing in the time between, see­ing myself in every char­ac­ter, every sit­u­a­tion. Going back to high school, being back at uni­ver­si­ty.

Potting plant

I’m not sure what it is, but I know this feel­ing won’t last for­ev­er. It nev­er has. It’s the flux between storm and seren­i­ty that moves me.

Been writ­ing this entry over the last week.

In a cou­ple days, this blog turns six.

Maybe I just had a few good weeks.


  1. I know this post is all seri­ous and intro­spec­tive but all I can think is the kit­ty going “I WILL CHOMP YOU!”

  2. I think we have that in common…whenever we see a cat, it’s the first thing that jumps out at us. Especially when we don’t know the cat, we cre­ate these back sto­ries and fill in their lives with our imag­i­na­tion. Or I do at least.

  3. Life for me too goes in waves, some more pow­er­ful and last­ing than oth­ers, and each unique in its impact. Each one though makes a change that nev­er goes away, and each good one builds on the last, mak­ing for sweet mem­o­ries.

    I love your photography–I wish I could take pic­tures like that!

  4. Although you have prob­a­bly spent most of your youth in such an out­fit due to uni­forms, it still star­tles me to see you in a stiff white shirt and tie. Seems unlike you.

  5. As soon as I’m home, I’m into my PJs. But when I’m out, my style is gen­er­al­ly pret­ty prep­py. Those days in pri­vate school got me accus­tomed to hav­ing some­thing around my neck.

  6. Good to hear you set­tled into a good place. Think you’re right. Contentment comes from many fac­tors.

    Was that cat shot real­ly hard or lucky to get?

  7. It was more lucky…I think I took about thir­ty shots, and about two of them were usable.

  8. 3x hard­er than usu­al if I used my ratio then. :)

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