The Eyes

The eyes

The first thing I notice about a girl is her face, but the eyes are what hold my atten­tion.

Especially eyes like this.

Big, round, and pure. They’re the ulti­mate sign of fem­i­nin­i­ty, because they con­vey inno­cence, youth, vital­i­ty.

Sometimes, the most inti­mate and per­son­al thing you can do — from hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion to mak­ing love — is make eye-con­tact.


  1. Beautiful! Are her eyes hazel? Mine are and they are nev­er the same col­or every­day. Depending on how I feel they change from green to brown to pure hazel.

    You are right about eye con­tact. It is very inti­mate and always a true reflec­tion of your feel­ings inside.

  2. They’re green. Most of the time dark­er green but they do change. They only get to be that shade in pho­tographs I find.

  3. @Lucy — I think hav­ing eyes that change colour accord­ing to mood would be very scary; I would­n’t be able to hide my feel­ings. It’s like some­one would be able to read your mind.

    @julie — Thanks for clear­ing that up, because I was­n’t sure. Maybe they’re actu­al­ly hazel, but green under most nat­ur­al light­ing con­di­tions.

  4. Does the col­or mat­ter to you?…and when you say “pure”, what exact­ly are you look­ing for?

  5. I don’t see it as a way of read­ing my mind but more of an oppor­tu­ni­ty for peo­ple to real­ly pay atten­tion. If some­one is gen­uine­ly inter­est­ed in me then this is one of the first things they will learn about me if they take the time to observe. When I am hap­py they are more green and when I am upset and frus­trat­ed they are more brown. When I am total­ly pissed off they have more of a gold­en hue with flecks of bright green around my pupil.

  6. Green real­ly does things to peo­ple — I used to have leafy green tint con­tacts and peo­ple were always com­ment­ing on them. They LOVED them.… I real­ly miss being green, my pre­scrip­tion hav­ing changed to a com­pa­ny that won’t do tints. Crap.

  7. @Sarah — The colour of some­one’s eyes can nev­er turn me off, but I’m cer­tain­ly par­tial to grey or blue. “Purity” of the eyes is hard to define; in the ambigu­ous­ness is the ratio of pupil to whites (the more white, the bet­ter), the shape of the eye itself (the rounder the bet­ter), and the effer­ves­cent qual­i­ty that makes some eyes shine or pierce. You can also tell a lot about some­ones health in their eyes.

    @Lucy — That’s a real­ly good way of look­ing at it. I’d love to take a pic­ture of some­one like you, in dif­fer­ent states of emo­tion. It would be so inter­est­ing to see the changes of the eyes through a macro lens.

    @Xibee — I would cer­tain­ly imag­ine that green is an atten­tion-get­ting colour. Usually green eyes are reserved for red­heads, so on blondes it’s espe­cial­ly sur­pris­ing.

  8. Thank you for your atten­tion and review of . it’s first time in my life have atten­tion from my idol (I’m your fans), even i should done the wrong thing first and called design steal­er :) .

    That’s mean “It’s nice to be dif­fer­ent” for me.

    Once again thank you, I’ll change my lay­out because i’ve already receive my aim to have atten­tion and review from you. Good luck for your future.
    If you don’t mind,please vis­it my site again for the last time. Thx

    Haha ..

    Sorry for the dou­ble post! Something went wrong

  9. He also left that as a com­ment on my entry. Sounds like a poor cov­er-up to me. Also sounds like he’s con­fus­ing you and me. At least he’s changed the lay­out.

  10. So .. are you proud with all of this Jeff ? hehe ..

  11. Akmal You copy things! Jeff does­n’t!
    Your the one wrong here!
    His lay­out and con­tent all giv­en care­ful­ly atten­tion!
    He don’t copy! He does­n’t post use­less com­ments!
    Sure he is at least sat­is­fied that peo­ple stand up for this kind of thing!
    Be hap­py that he han­dles this whole sit­u­a­tion the way he does!

    Akmal Don’t copy lay­outs any­more and u will be fine!

  12. @Pepijn :

    And the con­nect­ed to you is ??
    I ask Jeff, not you .. hehe

  13. I don’t care! I stand up for Jeff like many oth­ers!
    I also explained to you why he could be ”Proud” I don’t think that he is th0!
    We should stop this use­less ”fight” and you should go post some more sto­ries on your blog then Jeff will do the same and you will nev­er have to both­er about each oth­er!

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