Smoke and Light

Smoke and light

Playing around with black-and-white, an off-cam­era flash, and a nice Cuban cig­ar.

Sometimes, enjoy­ing life is as sim­ple as this.


  1. Sometimes, enjoy­ing life is as sim­ple as this.”

    Until you get The Cancer… :P

  2. beau­ti­ful photo…is life always this sim­ple, and peo­ple just can’t grasp it? Myself included…time for plea­sure then!

    I wish you did self por­traits in nyc…I’d want one like this!

  3. Your hand looks a lit­tle bit weird at the bot­tom!
    Other then that it’s all good!

  4. @Tiana — I’m hop­ing I get killed by a bus first so I don’t have to wor­ry about that.

    @Zaira — Yep, life is this sim­ple, and many (myself includ­ed) have a hard time see­ing that. Sometimes one needs to take a step back from the rat race.

    Next time I’m in NYC we’ll hook up and I’ll do some of por­traits of you.

    @Pepijn — Yeah, I have no idea why my hand did that. It may be the shad­ow from the unbut­toned cuff of my black dress shirt I was wear­ing.

    @Julie — For some rea­son, I pic­ture you say­ing that with a lisp.

  5. I had the chance to vis­it Cuba ear­li­er this year and it was­n’t until that time that I could even sug­gest that I knew the dif­fer­ence between a ‘good’ cig­ar and a ‘bad’ one. Wow, cig­ars aren’t sup­posed to burn the insides of your mouth and leave an absolute­ly awful after­taste? Some of them were so won­der­ful­ly mild.

  6. I think it’s safe to say that I nev­er smoked a bad cig­ar in my life. They’re rather expen­sive, and each one is such a unique expe­ri­ence that I did a bunch of research before I bought my first one. A few are too rich for me though, and even though they’re sup­posed to be “good”, I could­n’t appre­ci­ate them.

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