Tears as a Turn-On

It became painful­ly obvi­ous that my turn-on of girls cry­ing is relat­ed to my own pen­chant for sad love­mak­ing.

I’ve always liked the idea of bring­ing some­one from tears to bliss­ful phys­i­cal plea­sure. Like make-up sex with­out the fight­ing.

A girl was able to do that for me once, so I’ve always want­ed to be able to do it for some­one else.

Either that, or my sad­ness is min­gling with my lust.


  1. The oppo­site is just as nice — sex that brings you to tears.

    Tears of release or joy or ela­tion.

    But sad lovemaking…I’ve nev­er thought of that.

    I will try it as soon as I feel sad and my part­ner is will­ing…

  2. Wow…I need to brush up on my love­mak­ing skills. Tears of ela­tion, I’ve nev­er been able to achieve, in me or my part­ners.

    A new goal to strive for!

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