Hanging Party

I feel utter­ly intox­i­cat­ed.

Reading poems around the piano

With a ham­mer and a lad­der, we hung my pic­tures tonight, care­ful­ly decid­ing where to place each one to bal­ance the colours, the ori­en­ta­tions, the shapes, and the con­cepts.

Amongst the wine and the wood, the kids and the colours, we stopped to admire the art in the house. Adrienne dropped by to share her lat­est graph­ic poems with us, along with her alco­holic find­ings. “From The Desk Of” Penelope was writ­ten that day, dense and deep, full of details tak­en for grant­ed. The words must write them­selves, I thought.

Thumbnail: Poem reading
Thumbnail: My fruit and body series wall
Thumbnail: Old fashioned side-table
Thumbnail: Akio
Thumbnail: A hammer and a poem
Thumbnail: Old style heater
Thumbnail: Frederic and Akio
Thumbnail: Nicole Beaumont artwork
Thumbnail: Akio on the ladder
Thumbnail: Wine, ice, and salad

Misun and I seem to share a kin­ship through our appre­ci­a­tion of expres­sion, some­thing I’ve nev­er had with my friends. Not that there’s any­thing wrong with them, but I’ve always felt like they can’t relate to me when it comes to emo­tions or cre­ativ­i­ty. As I seem to be the cre­ative broth­er she’s always want­ed, and she seems to be the sup­port­ive sis­ter I’ve always need­ed, we agreed to be adopt­ed sib­lings.

In a recent inter­view, Frédéric said, in his ebul­lient Parisian accent, that one of the rea­sons he want­ed to open the Salon is to pro­mote dia­logue and inter­ac­tion. Perhaps it’s this hunger for dia­logue that con­nects us. He also men­tioned to me he was stressed out about being inter­viewed; being put on the spot made him freeze up. I told him I had the same prob­lem with pret­ty girls. “You’re affect­ed by beau­ty”, he said, some­thing I knew, but not some­thing that every­one under­stands.

I left, feel­ing like I was a part of some­thing won­der­ful, some­thing greater than myself.


  1. How long will your work hang for Jeff? I get back to cana­da next week and would love to walk through. My stom­ach whirls with antic­i­pa­tion for you, what an excit­ing day!

    My fond­est wish­es for your unvel­ing tonight,


  2. Good to meet you in per­son. It looked like a great turnout. Happy buzzing crowd. over­heard a few peo­ple were talk­ing about your straw­ber­ry one as a fav. I’m more par­tial to pep­pers myself; nice mix of moods and tones in all tho.

  3. jeff my broth­er im tru­ely sor­ry i missed ur expo man i love ur work and u know im a die hard fan it just wasent in the cards i hope it went super well and ur anx­i­ty was at a low

  4. @loo — It’ll be there for the week, so it should be open until Friday. The times that the gallery is open is list­ed on the web­site.

    @Pearl — It was def­i­nite­ly nice to put a real face to a blog. Good to know that peo­ple liked the straw­ber­ry one because I was too busy talk­ing to hear a gen­er­al con­sen­sus.

    @Rob Mayer — Rob, you missed a fun night, but no wor­ries, there will be oth­ers. Anxiety start­ed high on the dri­ve over, but I was able to con­trol it for the rest of the night.

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