The Problem With Manual Stimulation

At the hair salon tonight, a new girl washed my hair. She went through the usu­al rou­tine, but before she fin­ished, she placed her fin­gers along the front of my hair­line, and with con­stant pres­sure, slow­ly worked her way back.

The water was warm, my hair was wet, and I felt the ten­sion going down my scalp. It was com­plete­ly sub­lime.

The edges of my lips start­ed curl­ing, but I could­n’t tell if I was help­less­ly smil­ing, or it was the stretch­ing of my skin upwards.

In the show­er tonight, when wash­ing out the stray hairs, I tried doing it on myself. It did­n’t feel the same, of course.

It was like that scene in Secretary, where Lee Holloway (played by Maggie Gyllenhaal) tries to spank her­self with a hair­brush when explor­ing her sub­mis­sive ten­den­cies. I love the expres­sion of intent, and ulti­mate­ly let­down, on her face.

The prob­lem with man­u­al stim­u­la­tion is that it nev­er feels as good as when some­one else does it for you.


  1. I thought this entry was going to be about some­thing else.. lol. But yeah, my aunt who works as a hair­dress­er does the head mas­sage thing and I’m always like Oooo.. the prob­lem when you do it your­self is that you’re tak­ing so much ener­gy doing it, it does­n’t feel as good because you’re not relaxed.

  2. You’re exact­ly right about it not being the same since you’re not relaxed. Probably true for what you were think­ing at first too. :D Someone needs to make a robot that will do stuff like scalp mas­sages, face draw­ing (helps me fall asleep), and the like.

  3. That con­trap­tion looks total­ly whacked out, but I trust you on it feel­ing good. I’m putting it on my Christmas wish-list right now.

  4. I agree… self spank­ing is no good. Much more fun to have some­one else do it. >:-}

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