Mittens Make It Up

Thumbnail: Club Monaco mittens

The win­ter storm watch con­tin­ued at ‑14°C today. When you’re inside, the sun fools you with the warmth of its colour, until you step out­side and feel the bite of the wind.

I spent an hour-and-a-half look­ing for var­i­ous things and run­ning errands down­town. The streets were packed, the stores were packed, and I found noth­ing.

So I spent a stu­pid amount of mon­ey on these awe­some mit­tens at Club Monaco. I actu­al­ly walked out of the store and out of the mall when I found them, for fear that I would pur­chase them, but alas, here they are on my hands. I had to decide between the white and black stripes, the grey and black stripes, and the flat grey ones, but since most of my cloth­ing is neu­tral, I decid­ed on the flashiest pair. The open hole for the fin­gers makes iPod and cam­era manip­u­la­tion easy. They’re 100% cash­mere; thin enough to wear indoors or inside your coat pock­et.

Thumbnail: Club Monaco mittens, RW&Co toque

So it was­n’t a total waste of a day.


  1. And the xmas music begins. I can’t believe some peo­ple are done xmas shop­ping.

    Cashmere is warm. Good for the sea­son.

  2. I believe how some peo­ple are done Christmas shop­ping. It’s already insane in the stores. Even the is start­ing to run low.

    And I nev­er would have believed how warm this mate­r­i­al is, until I slipped on these paper thin mitts and felt the dras­tic dif­fer­ence between the pro­tect­ed palms and the unpro­tect­ed fin­gers.

  3. Love ’em. If I could afford to shop at CM, I total­ly would.

    The win­ter here has been wimpy as yet. Once it got down to 15F, and snow had been in effect, the weath­er went back up to 45 the next (NIGHT) day and melt­ed all of the snow. Now there’s slush and a bunch of black ice on the roads.

  4. I don’t shop at CM often, and if I do, it has to be on sale.

    Perhaps the win­ter here is mak­ing up for the one down there.

  5. Personally I love the mit­tens bro. I noticed them dur­ing our meal after the pho­to ses­sion, but for­got to ask about them.

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