Pick Yourself Up

Things haven’t been going my way. As much as I try to let them go, I can’t. There’s just too much right now. My mind jumps from one thing to anoth­er when I’m in bed.

I need to stay away from the blo­gos­phere for a while. Not writ­ing, but being a part of my usu­al cliques and forums. The dra­ma late­ly has been real­ly piss­ing me off, and it’s cer­tain­ly not help­ing.

It’s six in the morn­ing and I’ve been awake for…hmmm…two hours? Another hour before I’m off to work. Maybe writ­ing this has helped.

Pick your­self up, you son-of-a-bitch, because no one’s going to do it for you.

Edit: Nope. Fuck it. I’m going to work, and bring­ing my hood­ie, and a copy of Taxi Driver. I won­der if it’s rain­ing out­side.


  1. vir­tu­al dra­mas rarely help.

    you need face­book scrab­ble.

    ok, so maybe that’s my pick-me-up.

  2. inci­den­tal­ly, did you know that a hood­ie in Saskatoon is called a bun­ny hug? your triv­ia fact for the day.

  3. If you have issues with the blogosphere—society, that is—stay away from Myspace.

    but please feel free to dis­cuss your thoughts with me. I posed a ques­tion for some peo­ple on my lat­est. I think it would be good for you to try to answer it.

    When I’m done, I break out The Sound of Music or … … shh­hh, don’t tell any­one: Centerstage.

  4. @Pearl — I delet­ed my Facebook account…didn’t need it because I felt it was much more lim­it­ing than a blog. And bun­ny hug sounds so ran­dom. Someone from the gen­er­a­tion before mine once told me they were called kan­ga­roo sweaters, because hood­ies were usu­al­ly pull-overs that had a mid­dle “pock­et-tube” like a kan­ga­roo pouch. Weird.

    @Maeko — You know, I’ve nev­er even seen The Sound of Music, and every per­son I tell looks at me with bewil­der­ment. I guess I should check it out some­time. I’ve nev­er even heard of Centerstage…I’m guess­ing movie? I don’t have any songs that are guilty plea­sures that I save for bad days. Actually, I did, but I’ve been using (lis­ten­ing to) them for a while now.

  5. Centerstage is a BAD BAD movie of the “chick flick” hou­vre. It’s a bal­let movie. Bad dia­logue and worse act­ing. But the danc­ing… I click to the chap­ters with the danc­ing and play them on repeat.

    Bad music: I have sev­er­al, and most of them are the kind of emo-indie-pop songs that are pop­u­lar the world over with 14 year old sub­ur­ban white girls.

    The Sound of Music: Warning, you will have to enjoy the genre of The Musical, in order to get any­thing from it. It is, how­ev­er, Julie Andrews at her sec­ond best–her best being Mary Poppins (also a musi­cal).

    Not sure how to go about com­ment­ing. Like this. But I did write you back on Thereafterish. I’m glad you like the redesign. “You Have My Permission To Stalk Me” sound­ed too imma­ture. I thought it was clever when I made it up three years ago.

  6. I do have a few guilty plea­sure movies, and they’re typ­i­cal “guy” movies as well. I guess they’re just fun. I tend to watch those when I’m in a good mood though. The seri­ous movies are for my seri­ous moods. I sup­pose you could say that I like to brood.

    It tends to be the oppo­site for me with music. Don’t know why.

    I love the musi­cal genre, though in movies it’s a lit­tle hard­er for me to digest. I’m more of a Broadway fan; it does­n’t seem to work on a screen. Mary Poppins is clas­sic. I haven’t seen that in ages, and I won­der if I would still see it with the same won­der and amuse­ment.

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