Portraits of Gosia

Thumbnail: Gosia tilts her head 
Thumbnail: Gosia's eyes 
Thumbnail: Closeup of Gosia's eyes 
Thumbnail: Gosia's face in shadow 

A few por­traits of Gosia. She’s a first-gen­er­a­tion Canadian, her par­ents being immi­grants from Poland. One can tell she has a very European look.

Thumbnail: Gosia hams it up 
Thumbnail: Gosia on a bench 

These were tak­en with the sun com­ing from behind because Gosia was squint­ing too much oth­er­wise. I tried my flash as a fill-in to bal­ance the bright­ness of the back­ground, which helped increased sat­u­ra­tion in the fore­ground. I love the colours in these shots, they’re so dreamy.

Thumbnail: Gosia awesome abs 

Another addi­tion to my body shot series. Gosia’s a com­pet­i­tive vol­ley­ball play­er, so she has awe­some abs (not to men­tion killer curves).

Thumbnail: Gosia covered 
Thumbnail: Gosia behind a fence 
Thumbnail: Gosia's reflection in a mirror 

A lot of guys are some­what blind­ed by Gosia’s beau­ti­ful big eyes and curvy fig­ure; they’re don’t real­ize that she’s quite a strong, intel­li­gent per­son with a good head on her shoul­ders. The idea of these shots was to cov­er up part of her face, not through the fram­ing of the pic­ture, but using objects to help the view­er see past her phys­i­cal beau­ty.


  1. The third image, the close-up of her eye, is amaz­ing. Well done, again.

  2. Thank you! It’s actu­al­ly a crop + reduc­tion of the pre­vi­ous image, but next time I want to get a full shot of an eye, now that I know it’s pos­si­ble to hand­hold the macro lens.

  3. Thank you! Coming from some­one whose pic­tures I enjoy, I take it as a very nice com­pli­ment.

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