Lederhosen Lucil is Coming to Town


I just found out that Krista Muir, who’s alter-ego Lederhosen Lucil I fell in love with two years ago, is play­ing in a small stu­dio in town on Friday. Entrance dona­tion is $5. As much as I want to go to hear her new album (released today, fea­tur­ing ukule­les over Yamaha syn­the­siz­ers), my main rea­son would be to get some pic­tures of her. I nev­er get a chance to do con­cert pho­tog­ra­phy, and she has a play­ful per­son­al­i­ty with the cos­tumes she wears.

I’ll prob­a­bly bring my 15mm and 24–70mm lens­es, and be shoot­ing at f/2.8 and 1600 ISO the whole time. I would con­sid­er my 50mm f/1.8 prime just for that extra stop of light, but I lent it to Pat and primes are much less ver­sa­tile in such sit­u­a­tions.

Two years ago, I missed her only stop of her tour in this city, when I had to “coach” my team in lad­der match­es at the table ten­nis league. That made me a sad pan­da.

Just think­ing about going is mak­ing my stom­ach flut­ter. I may go to movies by myself, but I nev­er go to con­certs alone. The noise and crowds of con­certs make me espe­cial­ly uncom­fort­able (and over­stim­u­lat­ed), but a friend always helps me get over it. Unfortunately, no one else I know enjoys her music (which I would describe as fair­ly eso­teric), and I would­n’t put some­one through music they did­n’t enjoy. Added to this, I’ll be tak­ing pic­tures, which always makes me feel very self-con­scious.

Normally, I take a few weeks to men­tal­ly pre­pare myself for some­thing like this, but since it’s such short notice and the oppor­tu­ni­ty does­n’t come around often, I’m forc­ing myself to go.

I’m scared, and ner­vous, and excit­ed all at once.

Edit: I just noticed that my “sim­i­lar terms” cus­tom field, which auto­mat­i­cal­ly enters key­words from the entry to match words in the data­base and pull “relat­ed entries” on the left, includes the word “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”. Hilarity.


  1. Oh that looks like fun! I haven’t heard of her but her site has swayed me visu­al­ly (no sound at work). Too bad I already have plans!

    The ‘venue’ is real­ly small. I won­der how many peo­ple would even fit…

  2. At least small venues gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take a lot of great pic­tures! I know what you mean about being self con­scious tak­ing pic­tures. I don’t like tak­ing pic­tures when there’s a lot of peo­ple around. Which is why I like land­scape :)

  3. @Tiana — I’d say her sound match­es her look. If we ever meet, I’ll lend you the album. You should be able to down­load some sam­ple tracks off her site too.

    I’m real­ly glad the venue is small. I called to ask if pho­tog­ra­phy and flash­es were allowed, and one of the own­ers picked up! I’ve nev­er been there myself, but the pic­tures make it seem like only a hand­ful of peo­ple would fit. It should make for an inti­mate show with­out the chaos of larg­er venues (which I detest).

    @Sophia — Yeah, it’s not like gigan­tic shows, where you have to stand in a mosh pit and get tram­pled to take pic­tures. I don’t even like to take pic­tures when there’s one per­son around, but I force myself to get over it.

  4. That’s how you do relat­ed posts. Clever.

    Glad your chas­ing that pho­to op.

  5. I took a lis­ten to the MP3 sam­ples on her web­site. She’s got a very nice voice — hope you enjoy the show! I’m look­ing for­ward to see­ing some pho­tos.

  6. Yeah I’m plan­ning on down­load­ing a few things lat­er to check her out. I’ve been there to shop before and it’s fair­ly tight. Unless they are doing it in the base­ment à la End Hits.

  7. @Pearl — Yep, but relat­ed entries are going to be replaced by tags once native tag­ging is released in WordPress this Monday.

    @Nick and Tiana — She does have a very expres­sive voice; from fun­ny screams to soft and mel­low. If you guys like her stuff, we’ll have to hit up the show togeth­er next time. :)

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