The Tao Tattoo

Part of The Tao Tattoo Series

  1. The Meaning
  2. The Experience
  3. The Background
  4. Tattwo

Thumbnail: The Tao tattoo

Thumbnail: The Tao tattoo macro 

To remind me to keep my chin up.

To remind me not to sweat the small stuff.

To remind me to live in accor­dance with the nature of things.

To remind me to stay bal­anced.

To remind me to decrease my wants.

To remind me to indulge myself every now and then.

To remind me that every­thing is as it should be.

To remind me to stop com­par­ing myself to oth­ers.

To remind me not to use force against the world, and embrace the way of the uni­verse.

To remind me to fol­low my own nature, and not the trap­pings of life.

To remind me that noth­ing real­ly mat­ters.

To remind me to have no claims to life.

To remind me to be spon­ta­neous, delib­er­ate, watch­ful, rev­er­ent, hum­ble, pure, and accept­ing.

To remind me that heav­en is found on earth.


  1. I would also like to know if tat­toos are frowned upon in the taoist com­mu­ni­ty. And do you know any more details about there views of tat­toos?

  2. I would also like to know if tat­toos are frowned upon in the taoist com­mu­ni­ty. And do you know any more details about there views of tat­toos??

  3. I myself am try­ing to think of a tat­too which will remind me the teach­ings I have learned through The Tao. That is what led me to your page. I loved what you said your reminders are for get­ting the tat­too.

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