Rockstar Jeff

Thumbnail: Muted colours
Thumbnail: Sun shot
Thumbnail: Soft focus
Thumbnail: The chest tattoo
Thumbnail: Two star tattoos
Thumbnail: Blackness

I asked Rockstar Jeff, an old source of envy, if I could take a few por­traits of him.

Jeff’s very pho­to­genic, but he does­n’t agree. I’m 75% prep and 25% bad-ass, where­as he’s 75% bad-ass and 25% prep. Sometimes we joke about trad­ing styles because there’s a mix in each of us, and we always like where the oth­er ones goes with it. The truth of the mat­ter is that I could nev­er pull off his style. Anyone can do prep, but he’s got the right face, the right clothes, the right atti­tude for hard­core.

This was his hit sin­gle.

He’s the gui­tarist and scream­er. The band broke up, but he’s cur­rent­ly explor­ing oth­er musi­cal oppor­tu­ni­ties. It’s inter­est­ing to hear his oth­er projects; he’s always the front­man, but he adjusts his singing style to the band while adding his own edge.


Stars on wrist

This was a mutu­al tat­too done with a friend (his “right hand” per­son), which is why there are two of them. His friend has the same tat­toos on her wrist.

Crows on right arm

As the crow is the uni­ver­sal sym­bol of bad luck, Jeff got each crow to remind him of a hard time in his life. Each one of them sig­ni­fy a moment. There’s one red one with a nail going through it, as a sym­bol that his bad luck is hope­ful­ly behind him (but he says it isn’t yet).

Daisy on right arm

The daisy is his mom’s flower. It’s not real­ly wilt­ed or bro­ken (which is what I thought at first), it’s sim­ply miss­ing petals. He got this at a time when he was real­ly angry at her, which is why it’s red. He had drawn two years ear­li­er, but only decid­ed to get it inked when she kicked him out of the house, to remind him of the hard love of fam­i­ly.

Stars on elbows

There’s actu­al­ly one larg­er star on each elbow, with the ini­tials of peo­ple com­ing out of them. They’re the first tat­toos he ever got, to remind him of the tough lessons that he’s gone through with or from these peo­ple.

Heart on chest

This one was inspired by his mom. He was mak­ing mak­ing some fool­ish deci­sions around 18, and his mom remind­ed him that he should be hap­py with him­self when he looks in the mir­ror, that there should be no hid­ing from the truth, and he should always be true to him­self.

The word “truth” is sur­round­ed by peri­ods to empha­size that it’s a strong fact in itself. The word “self” does­n’t start with a peri­od because the heart is a part of the sen­tence.

The only change he would make is to have it drawn back­wards, so he could read it when he looks in the mir­ror.


  1. I like the last pic­ture the best, por­trait wise. It’s great to have inter­est­ing peo­ple with inter­est­ing styles that are will­ing to pose for you. I’m way too goofy to suc­cess­ful­ly take any­one’s pic­tures, :) These are awe­some though.

  2. I like the song.

    Business wise, it’s too sim­i­lar to Linkin park. A more hard­core crowd might be able to tell a dif­fer­ence, but for the ini­ti­ates like me, it’s hard to dif­fer­en­ti­ate and jus­ti­fy the rea­son.

  3. I think the first por­trait is Liebowitz qual­i­ty. Love it.
    I know the tune would be big with my Japanese friends.
    I’m glad to see his tatoos are for deeply affect­ing events instead of the usu­al junk I see tatoo’d every­where in wonki­ly writ­ten chi­nese and such…

  4. @Quelyn — That one is Jeff’s favourite too. I’m always on the look­out for peo­ple with unique looks now, and I’ve learned not to be afraid to ask them if I can take their pic­ture.

    @Causalien — I think the song is real­ly catchy. It does­n’t sound any­thing like Linkin Park though. It’s much heav­ier, and with­out a DJ or MC, there’s no scratch­ing or rhyming. With more expe­ri­ence in this genre, you’d eas­i­ly be able to rec­og­nize the dif­fer­ence.

    @xibee — Thanks! The first por­trait is my favourite too. It’s fun­ny that you men­tion your Japanese friends lik­ing the tune. They have such a dif­fer­ent view of met­al over there, and it’s much more ener­getic and fun than a lot of the dark­er met­al here. I total­ly agree about the tat­toos hav­ing a mean­ing too, instead of just being a phase when tat­toos are pop­u­lar.

  5. Yeah I need to learn how to ask peo­ple if I can take their pic­tures. Man, it would be cool if we could go on a pho­to adven­ture. I need pho­to adven­ture bud­dies.

  6. Agreed. There can nev­er be too many pho­to adven­tures, or pho­to adven­ture bud­dies.

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