Don't Let Me Lose This Feeling

I still stag­ger and fall. Of course I have that, it hap­pens to me all the time, you just have to get very care­ful about it, because it’s inap­pro­pri­ate for an elder­ly chap to reg­is­ter authen­ti­cal­ly his feel­ings, you know, because they real­ly could be inter­pret­ed, so you real­ly have to get quite covert as you get old­er or you have to find some avun­cu­lar way of respond­ing, but still, you just, real­ly are just, you’re wound­ed, you stag­ger, and you fall.

—Leonard Cohen at 72

In 50 years, will I look at love with the same star­ry-eyed mys­ti­cism as I do now?

Will I be sat­is­fied, hav­ing loved enough, requit­ed and not?

In my dotage, will I be proud to say that I was adored once, too?

When my friends are gone and my hair is grey, and I ache in the places where I used to play, will I still stag­ger?

Will I still fall?


  1. Leonard Cohen makes a won­der­ful lit­mus test. Everyone I know who admires his work tends to fall in the high IQ cat­e­go­ry and think deeply. I think we should screen all pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates on their famil­iar­i­ty with Leonard Cohen.

  2. :) Leonard Cohen I think would be pleased to be a lit­mus test.

    I hope we all will still be falling at his age.

  3. That guy has a rad voice! haha
    just stop­ping by to say your web design is beau­ti­ful. great work!

  4. @Xibee — A great idea. I also find that famil­iar­i­ty with Leonard Cohen is a sub­tle test for sense of humour. It takes a spe­cial per­son­al­i­ty to enjoy his brand of sar­casm and wit.

    @Pearl — As a Canadian, it makes me so proud to know that Cohen is from Quebec, and that his music went as far as Europe in the 70’s.

    @Dam Masq — If you fol­low his music from the 70s to the 90s, one can eas­i­ly tell how dras­ti­cal­ly his voice has deep­ened. He once said that it was from “about 500 tonnes of whiskey and a mil­lion cig­a­rettes”.

  5. I ache in the places where I used to play

    Oh now I just have to go and break out the LC… Which hard dri­ve was that all on???… Must hear Take this waltz

  6. Hahahah…I find Lenny’s songs to be real­ly hit-or-miss. The good thing is that so many of them are hits, even though he changed his sound sig­nif­i­cant­ly.

    And you mean to tell me that you have your music spread across mul­ti­ple dri­ves? You must have a but­t­load of music!

  7. Hey Jeff,

    Yeah, I’m the same with his music. Just seems the ones that hit real­ly hit. I could use some of his mel­low sound here at the end of the year…

    WRT the music, sad­ly the sto­ry goes more like “I had a dri­ve with music and it decid­ed to stop work­ing”… x2. We’ve man­aged to sal­vage some stuff, but not all of it. So once in a while I grab the dri­ve, plug it into an exter­nal USB box I have and get what I can off of it. Kinda clunky, but its good fun to go in once and a while and redis­cov­er music that I haven’t heard in ages…

  8. Eep! I recent­ly had a hard dri­ve melt­down, but was able to recov­er every­thing I need­ed. (i.e. My ENTIRE music and pho­to col­lec­tion). Still, I keep a back­up every few months at work for hor­ror sto­ries just like that.

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