The Old Boys of '99: Providing Ignorance as Bliss

I decid­ed to pri­va­tize the pro­files in my “Old Boys of ‘99” series from now on. Much like this blog, the series was meant to be a sort of mem­oir, a way for me to rem­i­nisce about the past. A low-key deal.

One of my fel­low Old Boys found out, and it appears that word-of-mouth is spread­ing like wild-fire. Visits have increased con­sid­er­ably as links are being e‑mailed back and forth.

Funny that my hum­ble opin­ions and obser­va­tions have gen­er­at­ed such an inter­est.

I nev­er thought that I made any kind of impres­sion on any­one at Upper Canada College, or that any­one I went to school with would actu­al­ly care to see what I wrote. Evidence of this fact is that I only keep in touch with two peo­ple from those days in high-school.

This is a first for me. There were a few times that I con­sid­ered pass­word pro­tect­ing my posts, sim­ply because I thought cer­tain things would be too embar­rass­ing to admit or talk about, but I’ve always forced myself to be hon­est and open.

This series, on the oth­er hand, is where I’m hon­est about oth­er peo­ple. Some of them took offense to what they read in one entry. They lashed out at me, because they did­n’t like what was being said.

It’s hard for some to accept the truth.

They’d rather live in denial, or stay obliv­i­ous about what oth­er peo­ple think of them, and can only cov­er it up with anger. I’ve made the deci­sion that it’s best for them not to know.

Those who know me well will know the pass­word. Those who don’t may apply.

The Old Boys of '99 Series

  1. Introduction
  2. Another Perspective
  3. Seeto and Bunston
  4. Mungovan and King
  5. Providing Ignorance as Bliss
  6. My Perspective


  1. I can see why pass­word pro­tec­tion makes sense in that case.

    You’ve aroused curios­i­ty on the grapevine.

  2. Will the whole series be locked now?

  3. I meant to use my name in that last com­ment, sor­ry. An anony­mous per­son would have no rea­son to care about thread lock­ing.

  4. @Reno — Not the entire series, or any of the sto­ries or per­spec­tives on the school expe­ri­ence itself. Only the pro­files.

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