Photo Wrap-up '06

I was going through my pic­tures and real­ized that there were quite a few I haven’t post­ed, so I decid­ed to do an end-of-year wrap-up. Most of these are pho­tos I like but they did­n’t fit any­where, or were made redun­dant by oth­er pic­tures telling a sto­ry.

Thumbnail: Bronwen with our drinks at Moxie's 
Thumbnail: Model home wall art 
Thumbnail: Smiles around the cabin in Tremblent 
Thumbnail: Metal beatle 
Thumbnail: Karen plays with Chaos 
Thumbnail: Tremblent cabin 
Thumbnail: Blood oranges 
Thumbnail: Dolly goes for a treat in the hand 
Thumbnail: Me and Bronwen waiting for the bus 
Thumbnail: Just A Taste brownie 
Thumbnail: Maneki Neko, the beckoning cat 
Thumbnail: Eating yoghurt 
Thumbnail: The treats of Chinese vendors 
Thumbnail: Paper cranes 
Thumbnail: Stunt rider 
Thumbnail: Nala in my room 
Thumbnail: Jenn and Karen 
Thumbnail: Bottle of Miracle by Lancome 
Thumbnail: Steph's cat 
Thumbnail: Gerry's view 

Since we got bought out by a pub­lic com­pa­ny, the pur­chas­ing pro­ce­dure has changed quite a bit. Some of the top brass from the head office in Boston flew in this week, and I made it a point to thank the CFO for per­son­al­ly approv­ing the pur­chase of a new Canon Rebel XTi, 100mm f/2.8 macro lens, and 50mm f/1.8 lens. After the pres­i­dent intro­duced me, he told me I did a fan­tas­tic job with the pic­tures in the com­pa­ny cat­a­logue, and it real­ly made my day.

I think I’ve real­ly devel­oped as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er in the lit­tle time I’ve owned my first SLR cam­era. Looking back on a year of pho­tos has made me real­ize that I’ve learned a lot, not only sim­ple pho­to­graph­ic the­o­ry, but famil­iar­i­ty with my cam­era and post-pro­cess­ing as well. I still have a lot more to learn though, espe­cial­ly with expo­sure and meter­ing, as dig­i­tal cam­eras make it easy to get good shots with­out real­ly need­ing to have an in-depth under­stand­ing.


  1. yep, your pic­tures are get­ting bet­ter and bet­ter.

    i was won­der­ing what pho­to orga­niz­er, if any, you use for your dig­i­tal pic­tures. Picassa or some­thing else? i’m still orga­niz­ing mine in fold­ers sort­ed by date but that is get­ting tire­some and it is pret­ty hard to search for some­thing as well.

    any sug­ges­tions ?

  2. Awesome pho­tos man. I miss the snow too… Crossing my fin­gers that when I get back from my vaca­tion that there’s some snow to wel­come me back. I hope you have a good hol­i­day, with lots of shoot­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties.


  3. Wow. I love how you can make such amaz­ing com­po­si­tions and then do it a sec­ond time for each as a sub­sec­tion pre­view.

    Wonder at the bald­ing tires on the stunt bike.

    I’m not sur­prised you’re apply­ing this skill to the com­pa­ny cat­a­logue.

  4. I love those pho­tos, it’s incred­i­ble how you get the gallery thing to work with them. Is there a plu­g­in you use or some­thing? Email me about it please :)

  5. I can nev­er seem to get the hang of adjust­ing focus and judg­ing light, etc. to get pic­tures of qual­i­ty like this. They look real­ly good.

  6. @sikander — I’m not cur­rent­ly using any­thing to orga­nize my pho­tos. Every time I have a new set, I cre­ate a new chrono­log­i­cal fold­er num­ber. Somehow, I can remem­ber which set was which num­ber, so it usu­al­ly does­n’t take long to search. I will prob­a­bly start using Picassa in the new year though, it looks like a great solu­tion.

    @Nick R — Thanks, Nick, hope you have a good hol­i­day too. It’s time for you to update your blog, so remem­ber to take your cam­era with you. Looking back on these pho­tos remind­ed me of how much I miss the fish­eye effect, so I checked B&H and they just hap­pened to have a used Canon 15mm on sale. It was only the sec­ond time I’ve seen it on sale out of the hun­dreds of times I vis­it the used sec­tion, so I took it as a sign and had to buy it. :)

    @Pearl — Thanks, Pearl, I did­n’t even notice the bald­ing tires. The rid­ers did a lot of wheel­ies and stop­pies, so I imag­ine that it’s just nor­mal wear for them.

    @Simon — Check your e‑mail.

    @Reno — I can’t seem to get the hang of adjust­ing focus or judg­ing light either, which is why I use aut­o­fo­cus most­ly, and trust my light meter. Unfortunately, the onboard cam­era com­put­er does­n’t quite work for a lot of sit­u­a­tions (or excep­tions, as they are) and the meter is fooled, so I com­pen­sate for it in pho­to­shop.

    @Ralph Dagza — Thanks, but I was going to keep it a secret until the new year. :)

  7. Hey Man, awe­some pho­tos as usu­al.
    I love the one of Karen and Jenn. It looks so set­up and yet, I know it was­n’t.
    So many great shots … and yes … WHERE IS THE SNOW?

    We’ll be back in Trem in under a month, so get that new lens warmed up!!!

  8. Hahahah…I’m guess­ing the sliced mush­room that Karen’s hold­ing is what gave away the spon­tene­ity of the shot. Maybe I should have peo­ple at par­ties hold veg­eta­bles.

    I’m hop­ing I’ll get the lens next week actu­al­ly, so I can use it at your New Years par­ty. Cross your fin­gers!

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