Autumn Recall

Fall approach­es. The trees have yet to shift their colours along the spec­trum, but the tem­per­a­ture has begun to drop. Even when the air is calm it’s a play­ful shiv­er down the spine.

One of my favourite things to do around this time of year, before I quit, would be some wake and bake to start the day. After smok­ing a joint, I’d open the win­dows, turn up the music, and let the breeze drift inside. Sometimes I would go for a walk with my iPod before the sun ful­ly showed itself. When the beat was right, the hard­est thing to do was not to move my body to the music, to groove embar­ras­ing­ly, and grind and sing and twirl.

With enough weed in the lungs, any­one will dance.

I won’t say that I don’t miss that lifestyle, because it was a way I could view things from a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive. My thoughts would run freely on those ear­ly autumn walks. Music would sound bet­ter. Girls, cov­er­ing up in sweaters and long sleeves, would look nicer. It was a pre­scrip­tion I would need every week.

The expe­ri­ence isn’t the same until it’s this time of the year. Smothering sum­mer heat dulls the sens­es. Winter over­stim­u­lates them into sobri­ety, and even after a full bowl, all one can feel is cold. It’s only in the fall, in the per­fect weath­er, that brings one to ones’ sens­es. The green air, full of that cold con­crete smell, gives a rush to the head.

Until I walked out­side this morn­ing, with !!! pound­ing in my ears, I nev­er thought I could feel this way again.

The approach of fall has brought this back to me.


  1. I miss Canada :( I’m afraid autumn isn’t quite the same here. This post is beau­ti­ful­ly writ­ten, it took me back…

  2. wow, i had no idea that used to be your lifestyle.… i have no idea whether to have more or less respect for you… just kid­ding.
    but you are right, spring and fall — while fleet­ing sea­sons in the nation­al region — are the only times you feel your sens­es to the fullest. weed mag­ni­fies it by a thou­sand, too, *espe­cial­ly* touch.

    ps. i’m back.

  3. Canada must have one of the most beau­ti­ful autumns in the world. Even wikipedia says so.

  4. I can see clear­ly now the rain is gone…never been to Canada, but I miss Long Island autumn, wake and bake to the sound of geese and the leafs mak­ing that soft crum­bling noise when you walk…gorgeous post

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