Thanks, And No Thanks

I’ve offi­cial­ly switched from Movable Type to WordPress, the lat­ter of which I’ve decid­ed is a far supe­ri­or plat­form. This involved man­u­al­ly copy­ing con­tent from the old data­base, includ­ing every entry, com­ment, time­stamp, and ip address logged. Even though it took me near­ly a month, I was able to go through my old entries and make the thumb­nails, links, quotes, and for­mat­ting con­sis­tent.

Thanks to the expe­ri­ences of every day life, for the peo­ple I hate, the peo­ple I love, the ones I respect, and the ones who inspire me to do more. It’s these that make sure I nev­er run out of things to say.

Thanks to Trolley, who reminds me with his com­ments that I always have at least one read­er.

Thanks to Aaron and Pat, for show­ing me that they care when they tell me that they keep up-to-date with my life through this.

Thanks to Bronwen, with whom I’m the per­son I’ve always want­ed to be.

Thanks to Number18, for giv­ing me hope with her dai­ly life, and her über cool input jacks.

Thanks to Tina and Aurora, for their enig­mat­ic entries that inspire me to write bet­ter.

Thanks to Winston and Barb, for let­ting me know that I, in turn, could inspire some­one to start writ­ing for them­selves.

Thanks to Sikander for being the guy who shares music with me, even though we’ve nev­er met in real life.

Thanks to Sophia, for intro­duc­ing me to music like CocoRosie, and quot­ing my own old archived entries back to me.

Thanks to Dru, a design artist I’ve admired for years, for unof­fi­cial­ly steal­ing from me, an unspo­ken com­pli­ment I hold dear to my heart.

No thanks to the stalk­ers, who say they’ll nev­er vis­it, yet con­tin­ue to read on a dai­ly basis. The ones who hide behind ser­vices like Anonymouse, naive­ly believ­ing that all their http requests are masked. The self pro­claimed hyp­ocrites, who have the FUCKING AUDACITY to tell me about the vices of blog­ging, yet blog them­selves. The exact rea­son why I nev­er answer my phone any­more.

No thanks to the sequa­cious com­men­tors who say stuff but don’t say any­thing, or those who com­ment for the sake of per­son­al adver­tise­ment.

No thanks to the hotlink­ers, who con­tin­ue to steal my images, and in turn, my band­width and mon­ey.

When I was con­vert­ing my data­base and going through the old entries, I could recall each and every emo­tion that drove them. My writ­ing has become less ram­bling, less depress­ing, less cryp­tic since I start­ed back in 2002. As time goes on and the entries become more recent, there seems to be a sub­tle, bur­geon­ing hope, a reflec­tion of the expe­ri­ences I’ve gone through and a chang­ing world­view.

And from the begin­ning of this blog to the entries I write now, the most impor­tant thing is that I always have more peo­ple to thank.


  1. No thanks to the stalk­ers, who say they’ll nev­er vis­it, yet con­tin­ue to read on a dai­ly basis. The ones who hide behind ser­vices like Anonymouse, naive­ly believ­ing that all their http requests are masked. The self pro­claimed hyp­ocrites, who have the FUCKING AUDACITY to tell me about the vices of blog­ging, yet blog them­selves. The exact rea­son why I nev­er answer my phone any­more.”

    Not wel­come.
    Do you have a bet­ter sug­ges­tion? Yeah, I was wrong. And I total­ly freaked out and I was wrong about that too. So what? Are you gonna crusi­fy me? I did­n’t intend for it to hap­pen. And I did­n’t know any bet­ter. And ya it was a big fuck­ing mis­take just like this.

    You know what a good part is? I am not scared like I was and I said what I had to say even if half or all of it was non­sense. Lucky… that I’m not a per­fec­tion­ist… blah, I can’t stop stalk­ing. Like I said, you have a bet­ter sug­ges­tion, let me know. All ears. Just try not to be a jerk about it cuz I may be screwed up, but that does­n’t mean I don’t have feel­ings.

    (I can’t believe its all stored in a data­base some­where… I’m so embar­rased now…)

  2. I’ve always thought you used your own sql and php codes for the archi­tec­ture.

  3. my sug­ges­tion would be for you to stop embar­ras­ing your­self.

  4. In the very begin­ning I was run­ning every­thing off my own code, but then I real­ized how much eas­i­er it is to have com­ments/­plug-ins/s­pam blockers/calendars when you’re using a pub­lish­ing plat­form, so I switched to Movable Type after a few months.

  5. Do why do you care one way or anoth­er if I read this site or not, or how often I do it? Would you pre­fer that I did­n’t? Please just say so.

    I don’t feel embar­rassed. I just wish some­body would explain to me why it is so wrong. (Somebody who knows about some his­to­ry, not just some ran­dom inter­net per­son who does­n’t know what the hell is going on or who i am.)

    btw, anony­ouse hides my ip address and i real­ly like that.

  6. btw, the site is look­ing bet­ter and bet­ter every­time i see it. like the check­ered detail behind the grey. its super nice. dude, you are tal­ent­ed. with design and writ­ing. too bad yor such a mean mf some­times… stuff that you say about me real­ly gets to me. pos­i­tive & neg­a­tive. and i’m sure i’m not the only one. i don’t want to pick a fight here… but i think some­body should tell you.. your pret­ty smart/talented and its very obvi­ous (from what i remem­ber) that when you talk you are smart and peo­ple lis­ten up. so next time you want to say some­thing neg­a­tive to some­body *think*. because you have influ­ence and you could real­ly hurt them. (like that pot­head dude who you told that his band sux). and you obvi­ous­ly real­ly hurt me a long time ago, which i guess is why i’m still hang­ing around here like a bad ghost… that, and i like this blog. so if you don’t want me here u should speak up, oth­er­wise i think i’m com­ing back…

  7. Hey man, it seems like a lot of com­ment mate­r­i­al is not real­ly focused on what com­ments are for … so I thought I’d add to them …

    This morn­ing I had bacon, pan­cakes, home fries (the square pota­toes) and cof­fee and it was deli­cious.


  8. I had a Bacon & Egg McMuffin, Sausage McMuffin, hash­brown, orange juice, and some cof­fee. Yours sounds bet­ter. You bas­tard.

  9. It feels so fun­ny to dive back into things and read your blog again. Or not again… but become famil­iar with it again. I had only been check­ing it here and there in recent months. And I agree, the design cur­rent­ly is super crispy. I’m still get­ting my cir­cuits all into the WordPress goo…

  10. number18, I high­ly rec­om­mend the WordPress. Let me know if you need any help set­ting it up, or even host­ing. And con­grat­u­la­tions again on being accept­ed to col­lege!

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