The Power Of Freedom

I have an extreme­ly dif­fi­cult time deal­ing with peo­ple who choose to com­plain about some­thing and do noth­ing about it. These are the peo­ple who gripe about the jobs that feed them, decry the rela­tion­ships they’re too scared to leave, pine for bet­ter lives when a bet­ter life is only a few steps away. Religious doc­trines of pre­des­ti­na­tion aside, as humans we’re the mas­ters of our fate. We con­trol what hap­pens, because we have the respon­si­bil­i­ty — the response abil­i­ty — to make change hap­pen.

When the bad starts to out­weigh the good, then it’s time to shut the fuck up and be active in chang­ing the sit­u­a­tion. When the good is still greater than the bad, then it’s time to shut the fuck up and deal with what­ev­er minor prob­lems there are.

And when life hands you lemons, make lemon­ade, try to find a guy whose life has giv­en him vod­ka, and have a par­ty.


  1. How about peo­ple who com­plain about life and do choose to do some­thing about it? I just talked with a friend about it. He’s going through a rough patch try­ing to under­stand a lot of things about his life, he was telling me about his thoughts and emo­tions then after an hour or so, he said — “well enough, I don’t want to be one of those peo­ple who just vent all the time”. I told him that what’s bor­ing about peo­ple who bitch and moan all the time is that they are unopen to the prospect of change, that they think that com­plain­ing is all there is to it, that once they blow enough steam and feel tem­po­rary bet­ter then that’s that, while when some­one talks about their prob­lems with inten­tion to cause change in their lives, when they approach the con­ver­sa­tion as a first step to cre­ate that change, then that’s the most inter­est­ing thing in the world to talk about.

    I mean, oth­er then our­selves, what else do we have to share with oth­ers?

  2. friend­ly greet­ings, and jeff, your sev­er­al astute writ­ings, and com­ments added such as from lil­ly (aug18), are cer­tain­ly worth shar­ing.

    (no reply requested/expected/refused)

    best wish­es,

    yIM: dav­em­clallen
    birm­ing­ham, al usa

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