Bancroft '05, Part 1/6

A few months ago, Trolley, Aaron, and I head­ed over to the farm for some par­ty­ing, snow­board­ing, and gen­er­al relax­ation. It was only a week­end, but it was one of the best week­ends in years.

During the ride over, we stopped off at a gro­cery store to load up on munch­ables. Every time I see the video, I remem­ber how excit­ed I was, just from hear­ing my voice. A week­end away with two friends and no wor­ries. Of course, I’m so excit­ed that my voice cracks, and it sounds like I’m going through puber­ty again.

Thumbnail: Open farm 
Thumbnail: Starry sky 

Being on the farm is like being in a world of its own. 350 acres of land, includ­ing lit­tle forests, a hunt­ing shed, snow­mo­bile paths, cows, and lim­it­ed light pol­lu­tion. Just imag­ine the pri­va­cy, with the near­est neigh­bour not even at earshot. At night it’s a debil­i­tat­ing dark­ness, and the milky way comes out enough for one to make out the dis­tance of spe­cif­ic stars.


  1. ! you can take pic­tures of the stars. /jealous
    My cam­era can’t, I swear I’ve tried every­thing :(

  2. Actually, it’s not a very good shot, but at least the stars can be made out. My cam­era has a long expo­sure mode than can keep the shut­ter open for up to 15 sec­onds, but it does­n’t do much unless there’s very lit­tle light pol­lu­tion. I think light pol­lu­tion is prob­a­bly the biggest prob­lem for star shots.

  3. I could watch this video all night, it is that fun.
    It just makes you feel the con­nec­tion of real­ly close friends. Like if you watch a movie and think “They did a real­ly good cast­ing job, I could­n’t pic­ture any­one else in this role”. That’s how I feel about you guys.

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