Meeting Of The Four Bosses: Japanese Village

Thumbnail: Japanese Village sake bottle

If wine were a liquor, it would taste like sake. The state­ment does­n’t real­ly make sense until one actu­al­ly tries a cup of the warm liq­uid, and I have to admit, I did­n’t believe Louise when she first said it.

Pat, Aaron, Trolley, and I, along with the respec­tive girls/girlfriends, Jen, Karen, Andrea, and Loo, went to the Japanese Village for some cel­e­bra­to­ry tep­pa­nya­ki. Pat found a new full-time devel­op­ment job, Trolley went from con­tract to full-time, and Aaron got an eight-month qual­i­ty assur­ance con­tract, all with­in the same month. Everyone man­aged to make it out on the same night, which is not an easy task among the eight in atten­dance.

The last time we met togeth­er like this was when I first got my job at the begin­ning of spring, when we went to a lit­tle restau­rant in Chinatown to cel­e­brate, sort of like the meet­ing of the heads of the four ter­ri­to­ries in Infernal Affairs 2. It was impor­tant that my three clos­est friends in the city could make it last time, and this time, it just so hap­pened that each one of them got new jobs.

Every main meal comes in six to sev­en cours­es with mush­room soup, sal­ad (con­sumed using chop­sticks), shrimp appe­tiz­ers, mixed veg­eta­bles, rice, and sprouts. I got the filet mignon, which is unlike any­thing I’ve ever tast­ed; ten­der enough to stick through with a chop­stick, but firm enough not to fall off. It’s so good, that I may sac­ri­fice the excite­ment of try­ing some­thing new the next time I go, for the savoury taste of their best cut beef.

Something that I des­per­ate­ly want to do again, but dif­fi­cult enough to accom­plish with every­one there, to make me appre­ci­ate the time when it comes.


  1. you know… i actu­al­ly get irri­tat­ed when you dont write here. i’m a very impa­tient audi­ence, as i’ve recent­ly real­ized. I’m not very patient for alot of things, but this… i love read­ing the ran­dom things that appear here, the pho­tos, the emo­tions that leak through your words from deep deep down.

    i’m amazed on near-dai­ly basis…which as you know isnt some­thing that occurs nor­mal­ly.. i’m rarely sur­prized by life. maybe thats where my attrac­tion to you stems, i nev­er know what to expect… you keep me on my toes… and i know you’ll be there if i trip, stum­ble or fall.

  2. wow, at first I was­n’t sure whether or not I was going to tell you about this blog, since I gen­er­al­ly don’t tell any­one about it, but now I’m glad I did

  3. I haven’t checked out your com­ments for a while, but it was nice to come onto your site and see such a cap­tive descrip­tion of our time at the Japanese restau­rant.

    So sim­ple, yet to many may not make sense … Infernal Affairs 2 … the 4 boss­es … so true … it just sums up the feel­ing I get when we’re all togeth­er and reminds me of how fun it is to sit down and watch a movie with you that I would­n’t reg­u­lar­ly pick of the shelf on my own.

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