It's a D/s Life: A Cautionary Note

Sometimes I have to take a step back, and look at things as I did for the first time. I have to keep in mind that one of the most impor­tant aspects of this lifestyle is con­sent. That pow­er flows from the bot­tom up, not the top down.

That I should­n’t over­step my bound­aries. That in time, more trust will devel­op, and the rela­tion­ship will grow, and the bound­aries will extend. That with this comes inti­ma­cy, strength, and pos­si­bly love.

That even with all the respon­si­bil­i­ty, trust, and faith I’ve been giv­en, I must retain my humil­i­ty. That pow­er does not need to be exert­ed to be felt.

That I had none of this, and have been giv­en every­thing.

One comment

  1. pow­er flows from with­in was we can call “us” not from one per­son, though some spec­u­late that, despite her posi­tion, the sub­mis­sive holds all the pow­er, because she can with­draw her con­sent at any time. What peo­ple fail to under­stand is that the Dominant may also with­draw con­cent. I like to believe that each time some­thing brush­es up against my com­fort zone its an opor­tu­ni­ty to grow a lit­tle bit. I know that by trust­ing my part­ner and not with­draw­ing imme­di­ate­ly that we’re build­ing trust there. In the end, i know he’ll be there and he’ll be proud of me for what i’ve endured or over­come.

    Afterall, one can­not be world­ly, with­out first step­ping out­side of ones city lim­its.

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