No Fear Of Water

I caught Dolly dain­ti­ly dab­bing her paw in her water bowl and lick­ing her paw today. I think she just likes drink­ing with­out stick­ing her head in some­thing.


  1. I had a cat that drank that way all the time, unless she was *real­ly* thirsty. It was fun to watch. :)

  2. Yeah, it’s great unless it’s from the toi­let. Dolly used to jump on the rim, set her­self in a tri­pod posi­tion, and scoop water up with her free paw. Needless to say, the toi­let seat remains down now.

  3. Nala has this thing where she care­ful­ly scoops 1 or 2 pieces of her food out of the bowl and onto the floor before eat­ing it. She does­n’t do it all the time, but it’s so fun­ny to see.

  4. That reminds me of Patches. He would grab a piece of food with his mouth, bite it in half, and let the pieces fall to the ground. Then he would eat the pieces indi­vid­u­al­ly.

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