Posts tagged with "web"

Leaving 9rules

One of the changes in the lat­est ver­sion of equiv­o­cal­i­ty is the removal of the 9rules leaf from my foot­er, mark­ing my offi­cial depar­ture from the net­work.

The com­mu­ni­ty served me well in the past, and I’m proud to say that 9rules intro­duced me to many awe­some peo­ple — Dave Seah, Edrei Zahari, Nils Geylen, Joe Lencioni to name a few — some of whom I’ve been lucky enough to meet in per­son, and oth­ers I still hope to meet one day. I can say that just know­ing them has made my time with the com­mu­ni­ty worth it, even if I got noth­ing else out of it.

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Featured at Perishable Press

10.0 is cur­rent­ly being fea­tured at Perishable Press, the first in a series of arti­cles explor­ing min­i­mal­ism in mod­ern web design. From the arti­cle:

Equivocality’s new min­i­mal­ist design is very impres­sive. The site appears clean, bright and refresh­ing and nav­i­gates with nat­ur­al sim­plic­i­ty. Jeff has elim­i­nat­ed clut­ter to focus on con­tent, which is strong­ly uni­fied with­in the site’s sharp, spa­cious design. Attentive vis­i­tors will rev­el in the site’s exquis­ite­ly restrained details, such as the sub­tle tex­ture pro­vid­ed by the bleached back­ground grid, or the dynam­ic inter­play between com­ple­men­tary type­faces, Arial and Avenir. Overall, the design’s the­mat­ic neu­tral­i­ty and uni­ver­sal approach inspire vis­i­tors to relax, focus, and enjoy.

In addi­tion to a detailed site review, Jeff Starr did a mini inter­view with me. I’ve come across Perishable Press sev­er­al times through my WordPress wan­der­ings and it was great to work with some­one I’ve always known but nev­er met.